Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [be] one " in BNC.

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1 The issue on CD of these recordings which one tended lovingly on LP for so long has been one of the joys of my collection .
2 Sometimes the ultimate question is only in theory left to the public authority ; for example , in some cases of review for jurisdictional errors of law or fact in which it is clear that if the authority had got the law or the facts right , its decision would have been different and could only have been one way .
3 And there may only have been one clock in the town where they worked and that would have been on the town hall or the church .
4 Then , as we neared the entrance , a ship came up astern , and she can only have been one of Everard 's sailing barges coming up on the tide .
5 At the time of the outbreak of unrest Long had been one of the most outspoken critics of corruption among politicians and officials .
6 All you basically need is one composition fixed in any material form , be it record , tape , manuscript or any other , which can be commercially exploited by the public .
7 The procedure thus adopted is one of first checking the spatial relationships in the orthogonal reference space and , if not as desired , moving down to a local containing domain before the uncertainty is reported .
8 I expect my aunt meant well ; I guess it might just have been one of her spasmodic assumptions of authority in the family — out of character and dramatic as these assumptions usually were .
9 But some things never change and the appalling weather might just have been one of the reasons why the Romans abandoned the village and Britain , 1,500 years ago .
10 But some things never change and the appalling weather might just have been one of the reasons why the Romans abandoned the village and Britain , 1,500 years ago .
11 The financing of local government is er again circumscribed , local government 's ability to respond to the needs of the community it serves as it and its electors deem appropriate is being curtailed yet again and of course local government is losing its independence to central government and this centralising tendency which this settlement further represents is one of the most pernicious and corrosive characteristics of the modern Conservative party .
12 What usually happens is one bloke ‘ digs ’ ( see box ) the ball up , the other guy ‘ volleys it ’ high in the air , then the first guy jumps up and smashes it down over the net .
13 The longest strike ( O ) RTF had ever experienced was one obvious sign . ’
14 We can treat the system s bistable , with Always Defect being one of the stable points , Tit for Tat ( or some mixture of mostly nice , retaliatory strategies ) the other stable point .
15 The sensitive area of defence should more realistically have been one of the last spheres for the renunciation of national sovereignty , with a solid background of integrative experience and mutual trust behind it .
16 For some people their whole working lives so far have been one scheme to the next , never getting any really worthwhile training and never being paid a decent wage .
17 His life here has been one long series of decisions taken with difficulty , of crises resolved .
18 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
19 In the history of English parliaments it was a decisive encounter , although in terms of Sussex where commoners rather than knights or lords died it may well have been one of the familiar disasters around which ordinary life had to continue .
20 The Texas prison system may well have been one of the fastest expanding systems in recent history .
21 This dilemma may well have been one of the factors that precipitated his eventual madness , which began in 1802 : that possibility adequately suggests the existential seriousness of the Greek ideal for the German writers under its spell .
22 For Gordon might well have been one of this newspaper 's very first journalists .
23 These were the two sides of the same coin which I referred to at the beginning of this essay , the nature — culture opposition and the particular characterizations and choice of emphases here explored being one explanation for the apparent gender differentials in blood within Jewish ritual practice , and one link at least between the rite of circumcision and menstrual taboo .
24 I remember in eighty four erm there 'd been a general election in eighty three erm there 'd been one third elections in Harlow in , in , in erm i i i in eighty three , there was er a gen the general election and another system of election by thirds in eighty four and then the European election being told by one el elderly lady that there were too many bleeding elections and therefore she was n't gon na vote .
25 l9 Moreover , the kairos approach can not speak to the fact of an all-male priesthood ( which God is supposed to have given to His church and to have been adequate in past ages ) precisely having been one of the factors making for the secondary position of women in society .
26 The team at Marham , overseen by Fred Beamish , have produced an aircraft which they proudly boast is one of the best preserved in the country and wish to express their thanks for their help to Pat Waterhouse , a former RAF sergeant painter and finisher now with the RAF Museum at Cardington , who provided invaluable help , Colin Jardine , manager of the Product Support Dept at BAe Manchester who provided all the technical drawings for the finishings and markings , and Sgt Tom Patel at RAF St Athan who supplied all the necessary stencils , enabling all the finer details to be added .
27 I think there 've been one or two not er brush ups you know in the pubs once er or twice , they er they wo n't drink with them and that and er some of the lads some of the lads that have gone back have really realized the situation they 've put themselves in you know , and they sorry and now they 're on they do n't know which way to turn .
28 Earlier on there had been one or two screams , but no more .
29 I would agree with that , but I would just like to pick up three two of there have been one or two instances felt that they have necessarily make aware perhaps that something 's coming up in er difficult , but I just wanted to mention that er I do n't know what the procedures are actually , but I mean it d did n't seem to be one or two cases not saying it necessarily the department 's fault , I 'm er just making the point .
30 Mhoira hugely enjoyed being one of only two women to reach this rank in Scotland .
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