Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 If the symptoms of a latent miasmatic state appear , the remedy should be changed suitably and if a nosode is chosen then the centesimal scale will have to be used as except for Bacillunum these are not available in fifty millesimal form ( the Helios Pharmacy now has most nosodes available as LM 's ) .
2 He better remain nameless as ‘ abortion ’ would be a better word to describe the conversion .
3 The surface was badly pockmarked and the car bumped and bounced over the uneven thoroughfare , its journey only becoming smoother as they reached the main road that would lead them into Chichester itself .
4 This required the active incorporation of the mass of the population to serve the nation , at the expense of many lives , and it was a process which necessarily involved cultural as well as military and civilian social administration to an extent which survived the ending of the war .
5 The candles were lit and the room brightened , suddenly becoming bare as the high walls leapt into view .
6 Dave Morpfee again impressed as he bagged 3–33 to set up Bangor for a response of 111–5 , Hefin Lewis , Andy Savage and John Parry all scoring 23 as Ruthin 's John James pocketed 4–29 .
7 His lips were still purse on the last words when they suddenly sprang wide as he saw her almost stagger back from him , her hand to her throat , the colour draining from her face .
8 ‘ Yes , ’ said Jack , but as she turned to him she saw his face suddenly turn pale as he stared down at the factory .
9 She reached the busy Jamaica Road and suddenly felt depressed as she hurried across and turned into a quiet backstreet which led to her home .
10 She stared at him , then suddenly felt foolish as she realised how uptight she 'd allowed herself to become .
11 He could hardly keep his eyes open and tried jumping in cold baths to keep himself awake , but only felt cold as well as tired .
12 The fatuous sunbeams once more shows the sun can not represent any recognised god as the very expression describe the entity as mindless or imbecile in its creation of life only to watch helpless as that life is destroyed .
13 After 65 minutes , Green mishit a backpass and could only stand horrified as Hibberd pounced on the mistake and coolly slotted the ball past the stranded Burt from 20 yards .
14 Not surprisingly she passed a less than restful night , only falling asleep as the light started to penetrate the thin curtains , and when she did finally surface the sun was high in the sky and her room was like an oven .
15 I 'm writing a report on her former colleague , because suspicions have been voiced that she is the agent of some foreign power — though , I hasten to add , I personally regard this as nonsense , and am convinced he died simply because she somehow …
16 Secondly , they would need to be aware of the interactional domain ( e.g. their scope for movement , and the properties of objects around them ) , and be constantly updating this as it was affected by their actions .
17 Their naivety in believing the IDA 's promise that the dumping would only be short-term soon became apparent as other communities resisted proposed dumping in their areas and the Nohoval farmers began their long and eventually successful campaign in the courts .
18 For , as before , the credit instruments soon became used as means of exchange .
19 From 1642 he held lectureships at St Dunstan 's and St Botolph 's Aldgate , and soon became notorious as one of the leading antinomian preachers in the city .
20 Nevertheless , the existence of such divisions does not mean that we have to talk of a multi-party system ; rather , it seems better to talk of two parties , both representing a broad spectrum of political viewpoints which nevertheless remain recognisable as either Whig or Tory .
21 You 'd best price that as well .
22 Even when Vronsky tried to get Anna to re-enter society , she suffered more from loneliness and her situation just got worse as she got deeper and deeper into the role of a fallen woman .
23 Hopper heads are generally considered unsanitary as they are not self-cleaning ( and can get coated with dried soap ) and the smell from them could enter the bathroom through an open window .
24 The shore was already becoming inaccessible as piles of ash accumulated , so he was forced to abandon his attempt , and turned to the south , running before the wind to escape from the increasingly heavy rain of ashes .
25 She could feel that she was already soaking wet as she nuzzled up to him like a happy , purring cat .
26 And we have made a point of saying in this press release that children can individually enter this as well .
27 Not as crazily experimental as Celtic Frost , not as overtly grunge fixated as Obituary , but for sheer controlled power , Cerebral Fix scoop the lot .
28 Not as crazily experimental as Celtic Frost , not as overtly grunge fixated as Obituary , but for sheer controlled power , Cerebral Fix scoop the lot .
29 The thin , handsome face , grey-eyed and intelligent , no longer struck attractive as he made his small talk .
30 As the particles impact on the substrate being sprayed they normally become flattened as they rapidly cool , creating a laminated microstructure as shown in ( Fig. 4 ) .
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