Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It rather got lost in the rush . ’
2 ‘ The discussions have been taking place for such a long time that I rather got used to the idea that I should be leaving .
3 To avoid this the slurry can be agitated and treated aerobically using one of the commercial aerators available ensuring intimate mixing with air .
4 The lesson was not wasted on Renaissance princes , who adopted individual portraiture on their own coins , in the hope that these would survive as lasting memorials to their achievements in the same way as Roman coins had ; this adoption of portraiture thereby laid one of the foundations of modern coin design .
5 In 1937 de Havilland ( Canada ) started making specially ‘ Canadianised ’ Tiger Moths in their own right , eventually building 1,500 of them .
6 I remembered how once , when a tunnel had been successfully completed contrary to expectation , he had jockeyed himself into a position on the team which finally escaped although he had never done any of the work .
7 Materials were collected in advance and stored in anticipation of their use ; powder slowly got cheaper in the course of the fifteenth century ; while many towns employed one or more men to supervise the effective use of artillery in case of attack .
8 We humans lay out our highways and byways in our fashion and each species does so in theirs , and we mostly remain unaware of each others ' very own and personal world of perception .
9 It indicates that a real change did eventually take place after all , in so far as freedom of information and the inappropriateness of direct consultation without public mediation eventually became accepted as something which , at worst , had to be risked and something which , at best , formed an essential task of the construction of a Christian conscience in a Christian society .
10 Got squashed in the photo files by Brendon Fitzgerald , broke the photocopier , got lost looking for the canteen , uncovered the truth about IPC tea , became Dele Fadele 's personal typewriter ribbon engineer ( have been ever since ) , discovered House music had not yet reached Waterloo , realised that guitars really are the work of the devil , mended the then extremely sad NME stereo ( ie , plugged it in ) and was quickly appointed technical supervisor to anything mechanical ( plugs , electrical toothbrushes ) , invented dance music , formed Subbuteo league with James Brown and Simon Dudfield which eventually became fixed beyond all belief , tried to blag a Misty In Roots CD and failed .
11 Crossman eventually became convinced of the need for more radical action : the Boundary Commission was dissolved and the Royal Commission appointed ( Alexander 1982b:18 — 19 ) .
12 On our course we had the most enchanting fellow — a flight heutenant doctor and his name was Tom MacDonald — who eventually became one of the most senior Medical Officers in the RAF .
13 When conservative academics eventually became aware of the supposed invasion , they viewed it with alarm , as a threat to their , and their students ' , proper activity of reading , studying , and enjoying literature .
14 Because Granby House was a listed building , the contractor eventually became exempt from this tax , but as he could not reclaim any VAT he had already paid to suppliers , he had to pass most of it on to the developer .
15 In some senses , indeed , the great Act of 1944 did not fundamentally modify some of the basic assumptions about the nature of a ‘ good ’ secondary education .
16 hot got those on Friday morning .
17 With the wisdom of hindsight , it is easy to see now that the Stag 's troublesome V8 , designed and inadequately developed in-house by Triumph before it merged with Leyland , should have been ditched and replaced by Rover 's proven ex-Buick 3.5-litre V8 ( still used by Land-Rover , Morgan , TVR and others ) that was already on the shelf .
18 Besides mobilising thousands in mass rallies , thus involving the common people as Gandhi had done in India in 1921 and 1931 and somewhat chaotically in 1942 ( but not in the final tussle for power ) Aung San also constructed a power base in the people 's Volunteer Organisation or PVO ( in Burmese , Pyithu Yebaw Tat ) .
19 We sat in our little flat recovering from a good dip in the briny channel and slowly eating some of the delicacy .
20 Running a household successfully involves many of the basic management and administrative skills ; these and other personal skills that are equally useful in the workplace were discussed in Chapter 2 .
21 A complex settlement of this problem was not reached until January 1983 , when Britain effectively got one-third of the fishing quotas .
22 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
23 It is difficult to assess the effects of the first true humans in rain forests but it has been argued that the Australian aborigines may have been responsible for the removal of some of the Araucaria forest of tropical Queensland , leading to the advance of Eucalyptus there , as well as locally exterminating much of the megafauna .
24 As shot follows shot on the screen , your viewers will instinctively relate each to what has gone before in order to construct a thread of story — even if this story is as rudimentary as ‘ first we saw A , and then we saw B ’ .
25 This leads to the now widely recognized potential for conflict between line and staff , especially when specialists are sub ordinated to generalists in the interest of unity of command .
26 VOLUNTEER Gurkhas proved there is no such thing as a bridge too far by successfully completing one of the most gruelling tasks undertaken by military engineers in peacetime .
27 It was a frightening book , full of strange ideas and dangerous dreams — dreams that slowly became real for Dorian .
28 Mrs Frizzell digested this truth , and the import of it slowly became clear to her .
29 Through her daze she slowly became aware of the sergeant 's voice .
30 As his eyes slowly became accustomed to the half-light , he began to make out row upon row of brown tents stretching as far as the eye could see .
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