Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 G thereby got hold of the barley , disposed of it and absconded .
2 MI5 's initial task was to counter alleged German plans to secretly invade Britain by infiltrating thousands of spies .
3 The SEATO Pact effectively became moribund in the wake of the American military withdrawal from Indo-China in the mid 1970s , and was not reinvigorated .
4 Although he deliberately affected a republican stance , in 27 BC Octavian effectively became emperor of Rome , taking the name Augustus .
5 When the pope nevertheless steadfastly refused to give way , Henry intensified his attack on the church ; in the summer of 1530 he issued a charge of praemunire against fifteen clerics , including the four bishops who had supported Catherine , on the grounds that they had aided Wolsey in the exercise of his legatine authority and thereby given support to papal jurisdiction within his realm .
6 The bar was patented and Nelson duly became president of the Eskimo Pie Corporation .
7 The Soviet Union may eventually accept a loosely formulated neutralisation of this country if Vietnam proves tractable .
8 A loosely formulated neutralisation of Afghanistan , involving superpower guarantees of that country 's non-aligned status , mutual DRA and Pakistani pledges of non-interference and non-intervention , the withdrawal of Soviet troops ( though perhaps not military advisers ) combined with the cessation of external assistance to the mujahidin , and the retention of the PDPA as an important Afghan political force in a future coalition government , appears in principle acceptable to Soviet leaders .
9 We have seen that the continual tendency and law of the development of the capitalist mode of production is more and more to divorce the means of production from labour , and more and more to concentrate the scattered means of production into large groups , thereby transforming labour into wage-labour and the means of production into capital ’ ( ibid . ) .
10 The ports , such as Harfleur , at the mouth of the Seine , could develop ship-building facilities , and the control of the lower Seine effectively made Rouen into a sea port and a shipyard .
11 A vast amount of work remains to be done before the UK can really claim to be properly policing trade in wildlife .
12 Kings themselves rarely travelled south of the Loire .
13 However , the purpose of the article was not to provide a step by step guide to the workings of PCA ( see reference 1 ) , but rather to stimulate interest in the application of the technique .
14 However , it is a staggering fact that 9 out of 10 people who successfully lose weight on a " diet " put the weight back on again afterwards .
15 Was Margaret Mead ( 1935 ) right to see woman as ‘ an infinitely malleable clay figure upon which mankind has draped ever varying period-costumes ’ ?
16 Elsewhere , the major infiltration seems to have occurred in the course of the fifteenth century : the Signet Office had a predominantly lay staff from 1437 , the Exchequer from 1500 , if not before . ’
17 It will be suggested perhaps that , instead of simply feeling himself pulled between a thirst for new experience and a dread of losing his pension , a rational man would ponder conflicting principles , ‘ It is good to welcome new experience ’ and ‘ One ought not to risk one 's pension ’ , and judge between them by deducing from more general principles combined with verbally formulated facts about Bali and himself .
18 He rarely asked questions of them .
19 Diego Maradona did most to restore Napoli to the top , creating headed goals ( 18 and 45 min ) for Andrea Carnevale and scoring a virtuoso third ( 84 ) .
20 This development meets the needs of local practitioners for support in personal education , patient recall , and retinal screening ; flexibly integrates generalist with specialist care ; and , perhaps best of all , puts patients first by sending the prompt directly to them .
21 Computationally realised models of word form realisation for these languages will be constructed in order to get some insight into the precise nature of the formal mechanisms needed to account for the range of possibilities that languages display in this area .
22 At least one of these computational models of the lexicon will be linked to an existing computationally realised grammar in order to explore its interaction with the syntax .
23 In the past year , for instance , doctoral candidates have successfully completed theses on the acquisition of English as a foreign language by speakers of German , the teaching of advanced writing skills in English for specific purposes , and the stylistics of narrative fiction .
24 Indeed , hundreds have successfully completed modules over recent years and it is evident that the National Certificate 's flexibility is as viable in prisons as in any other centre .
25 Mr Beaton had been dumped by a road-side and picked up by police who had been alerted to the hijack and had eventually stopped MacIver in the lorry at Doune .
26 Those banks that chose to ditch their exposures to Mexico and Argentina mostly received kudos for doing so .
27 They point to the poster campaign it launched last September , through Ogilvy & Mather , which effectively relaunched Wisk as a mainstream colour care detergent , and the new label design as evidence of Lever 's determination to boost its sales .
28 The earlier deluge had eventually given way to more normal rain , and now finally that too had passed .
29 RANGERS , having won the Battle of Britain by beating Leeds to progress to the Champions League , begin their quest to successfully invade Europe against Marseille at Ibrox tonight .
30 ‘ Literacy in one or more languages , eventually to include literacy in at least one Sierra Leone language and in the official language , English ;
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