Example sentences of "[pers pn] over [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She laughed abruptly , tossed them over her head , and smoothed them on the red dress .
2 As he did so , the older man picked up the glasses which had been filled previously , and deliberately poured them over her head .
3 He caught her hands in his and drew them over her head so that she lay open and vulnerable to him .
4 She could see the minute bristles on his jaw , imagined , before she could stop herself , the rough male touch of them over her skin .
5 The queen spreads them over her body and they are licked off by the workers , who pass them to the rest of the colony by trophallaxis .
6 Ruth turned away and groped for her sunglasses and clamped them over her face so he would n't see the hurt in her eyes .
7 They will relish the additional control this gives them over their work .
8 Once a vendor has consulted he may find himself under moral pressure from his employees to complete as soon as possible and hopefully re-establish certainty for them over their future .
9 Many of the latter were young , in their twenties , and included ‘ yuppies ’ in City and financial institutions who might not smoke a lot but took the attitude that they would smoke more at work if people pressured them over their habit .
10 Talking about him with the others , I did find out that several other people had had the same experience with him as me ; that his lovemaking was done in silence , that he never said a word ( in fact with me he hardly looked me in the eye either , just stared at his own hands as he moved them over my body , not stroking so much as seizing and kneading me , holding me down too ) ; but then later in the night you would wake to hear him talking to himself , lying there fast asleep ( O always asked the men he fucked to stay with him all night long , always ) , fast asleep and talking out loud in the night , talking in a fast , furious , hushed , hollow voice .
11 An icy blast of air hit Dad full in the face , taking with it the matches , ash and fag-ends and strewing them over his head and chest .
12 Gillies turned back to the fire and spoke to them over his shoulder .
13 He makes it repeatedly clear that he addresses himself to the Greeks who have little knowledge of Roman institutions ; but on the other hand he refers to Roman readers ( 6.5 1 .3–8 ) and is quite obviously looking at them over his shoulder .
14 Some of the words he used I had never heard of — and I am not unfamiliar with words — but he savoured them , rolled them over his tongue and finally ejected them into his speech with a delight at their novelty , their colour and their music .
15 He went over to the bed , lifted up the skirts and the separate bodice and draped them over his arm , pushing Meredith in front of the ornate Venetian gilt mirror complete with cherubs and vine leaves that occupied a good twenty feet of wall space .
16 He could hardly stand still for the two minutes it took to slip them over his blouse and he shouted at her to be quick , that Ferdinando was waiting to take him rabbit-shooting .
17 I went in there myself one day for a packet of sunflower seeds for the hamster , and he says to me , I do n't know what I 'm going to do , Mr Epstein , when she comes in here with you over her shoulder . ’
18 ‘ I 've been wrong … accusing you over my mother 's lifestyle .
19 ‘ I could turn you over my knee and spank you , you make me so angry , ’ he said through his teeth .
20 ‘ What I 'd like to be doing is putting you over my knee and giving you the spanking you heartily deserve , ’ he said grimly .
21 ‘ Because if you do n't I may be severely tempted to put you over my knee and give you the thrashing you sorely deserve . ’
22 ‘ If you were n't already so bruised and battered I 'd turn you over my knee and make sure you had nothing to laugh about . ’
23 ‘ I ought to put you over my knee for that , ’ he gritted out .
24 Should I have turned you over my knee and spanked the daylights out of you ? ’
25 ‘ But I 'd like to put you over my knee and paddle your behind , young lady .
26 The advantage of using a stick-float , or any float , for that matter , attached top and bottom , is the control it gives you over your tackle .
27 He knocked her to the ground , punched her and threw her over her bonnet , the court heard .
28 But since her failure to understand and help her over her mother 's lover , Constance viewed Miss Hatherby rather as her mother described her : an old maid , unworldly , afraid of emotions and inexperienced in life .
29 I ask her , trying to see her over my shoulder .
30 ‘ Oh , yes , yes ’ — he nodded his head at her over his shoulder — ‘ a desk job somewhere .
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