Example sentences of "[pers pn] need [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do I need one for that ?
2 I felt that I needed someone to be with me all day and all night .
3 ‘ I was so wrapped up in my own performances that I needed someone with experience to help .
4 Yes , you see the thing is one appointment can cock up your whole system , because if it like you said , if one , if a customer does happen to call in and say , look I need somebody in here desperately , when do you want it , when it 's smack in the middle , it 's not the other side of the world , but you know he 's in Nuneaton or something , well you still have to go out and see him .
5 and I need one for my father .
6 I need nothing from a man ! ’
7 I need something with a bit more life . ’
8 ‘ I said , ‘ I need something for myself and if I do n't get it then I worry for me and my marriage ’ . ’
9 I need something for that other tub now , I 'm thinking of lobelia around the edge .
10 Might deal with this present moment , but I need something for tomorrow , and the next day , and week next week , and next year .
11 I need someone with brains like you , ’ he said to Simon , not daring to turn and look into his face .
12 I need lots of bums in beds here at Crystal Springs , Michael , so the sooner we get moving on sales and promotion , the better . ’
13 Reeling somewhat from the gin concoction , and making for the captain 's office , I console myself with the thought that if I need anything from an appendectomy to open heart surgery , there is no shortage of equipment or expertise to hand .
14 Do you need one after the next one , 'cos which sticks one , which
15 Do you need anything from the house ?
16 She needs plenty of shouting at or she 'd go to sleep on her feet . ’
17 She needs plenty of rest and quiet . ’
18 ‘ Only when she needs something from you , perhaps ? ’
19 She needs someone of her own age to talk with — maybe even to quarrel with at times , ’ said Elizabeth Mowbray with a smile .
20 Having got as far as the inverted stage , the easiest answer is to pull the stick back and perform a ha If loop to recover ( again , that 's why you needed lots of height ) .
21 Now , because she needed something from him , she was prepared to give in .
22 Bourgois asked how to use the car and she slipped away to fetch help from neighbours after saying she needed something from the boot , said Mr Bright .
23 Nurse Herbert is very efficient , but the woman was awfully tense , she needed someone like you , someone with the special touch .
24 Some states even issue a non-driver 's licence : it actually says This Is Not A Driver 's Licence because you need something for identification .
25 I think you need something on the other panel , above the oculist charts , he said at last .
26 Well that 's a bulb , you need one without the other , so if that does n't arrive so you 're knackered .
27 You need one for simple jobs like driving picture pins , and for all sorts of other tasks like nailing down loose floorboards and mending fences , not to mention any woodwork you may be assembling .
28 Just as you have a routine for looking after your skin , so you need one for looking after your hair .
29 Well , I think you need one after
30 ‘ Look mate , ’ replied Sooty , ‘ when you sweep chinmeys for a living , you need plenty of liquor to swill out your guts . ’
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