Example sentences of "[pers pn] need [to-vb] for " in BNC.

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1 I needed to study for several months to make a woman monster successfully .
2 I needed to escape for a while — to leave my unhappiness behind me .
3 ‘ Oz , ’ Joe interrupted , ‘ this is the only day in the year when I need to ask for help from my neighbours .
4 Erm so that 's a figure if you like you have have up here in your noodle and say I need to go for that anyway .
5 I need to know for certain whether the Romanians do have him .
6 Okay that sort of covers I think what I need to know for for election stuff .
7 ‘ Ah , but I need to know for sure , you see , because I have some doubts , and before you ask me why I should be so concerned I will assure you that this time it is partly for my own self-esteem that I would like to know . ’
8 What do you need to buy for your bunny ?
9 Well I think she 's done all she needs to do for a little while .
10 As for Monica Seles , her desire to play at Wimbledon this year , coupled with the fact that she already has the Australian title under her belt , might be all the incentive that she needs to go for that Grand Slam this year , that same Grand Slam which she passed up last year with her refusal to play the British leg of the four majors .
11 I sounds as if your grandmother was a much more important figure in your life than perhaps anyone realised , and you needed to grieve for her .
12 It would not be easy telling him to go but it was something she needed to do for her own peace of mind .
13 Rosie gave him an affectionate kiss , and Shelley decided that she needed to go for a walk around the hospital , to leave the two together for a while .
14 Rising unsteadily to her feet , determinedly keeping her mind on what she needed to care for fitzAlan , Isabel opened the door of the hut .
15 The kind of standards of performance which you need to search for and devise are ones that rely as far as possible on observable facts rather than mere opinion .
16 However or is that a damn crying shame however or is that a damn crying shame terrible you know what you need to do for now then , now I 've won all
17 The advantage with this method is that you can move the whole tent in one if you need to re-position for any reason .
19 If you find that the shaping instructions do n't seem to work for machine knitting , then you need to opt for the EASILY KNITTED STITCH LAYOUT .
20 But whatever its size , you need to plan for convenience as well as impact , wear as well as warmth ; a space that fits the feel of your home as well as it fits you .
21 The sort of questions your adviser will ask are : whether you are investing for income now or capital growth in the future ; whether you need to go for absolute security with every penny you have or whether you can afford slightly more risky investments in the hope of making more money in the long run ; what other sources of income you have , or might expect to receive .
22 You need to push for yourself sometimes though .
23 You will already have considered most of the factors under ‘ operational implications ’ , but do n't forget that you need to allow for the tea , coffee and biscuits that the second conference will be consuming in substantial quantities .
24 The information you need to keep for everything you read includes the following .
25 ‘ You do n't have the sort of upbeat good humour you need to compete for jobs .
26 If you move straight from chapter 5 to chapter 8 you will get a stark contrast between two theories of justification , and all you need to know for the moment is that I take the intervening chapters to provide a reason against any form of foundationalism .
27 Erm one of the best known commentators on the American president , a man called Richard Newstat er who 's occasionally known as Mr Williams because he 's married to er Shirley Williams a clapped-out Social Democratic politician of er yesteryear , erm Richard Newstat once said , well once said many things but er on this particular occasion said that er if you want to know what presidential power is , it is simply the power to persuade and that er when you look for er an American president what you need to look for er is not somebody who is clear minded , far sighted and so on but you need somebody who has the capacity the skill , the talent , to persuade other people to do what he wants them to do .
28 If you need to apply for a passport , do so at least 12 weeks before departure .
29 You need to apply for an E111 form from your local DHSS office at least one month before going abroad .
30 It 's a good enough excuse that you need to check for gaffs , but the real reason for dry-assembly is to see what this hitherto fictitious table looks like .
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