Example sentences of "[pers pn] mean [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 I mean come on it 's the same ball game .
2 Yeah I know it 's easier no you must feel really gutted , I mean I would I know , because as you said , you going out for ten months yeah exactly , yeah , exactly I mean come on you really liked him fancied him loved him oh wow , I said love , love love , I do n't know love hey man yeah yeah it 's probably , you know like when you dumped him for Danny it 's just probably like that yeah exactly exactly , so do n't worry oh come on he ca n't give up ten months for nothing I know it has to end someday , but it does n't I mean it 's like everyone thinks like that , it really annoys me , everybody , right who 's about our age yeah , they just go out with someone knowing that one day it 's gon na end , they 're just waiting for the day , and that you know , you should go out with someone with the intentions of being with them forever I know that sounds pathetic , but it 's true , yeah I know , yeah exactly yeah , yeah I know , why do you think I said it ?
3 The only other comment I had in terms of the scale of settlement , which I think is just touching upon the next point , is that , I mean depending on the conclusions you reach as to the the amount of housing to be provided for in a new settlement , I take the point that Mr Brighton made that you 've got to have a longer term perspective I think that he f that in the ten year period ninety six to two thousand and six that the new settlements to be brought forward during , erm I think it 's really unrealistic to achieve more than twelve fifty , fourteen hundred houses in that period , if you say reach a conclusion there should be two thousand houses in that period in a new settlement , there might be some benefit in having two settlements , each of a capacity of say twelve fifty , f for erm twelve fifty to fifteen hundred that can have capacity for the next plan period , and in other words to assist in meeting the constraints that exist on York that are likely to exist into the future .
4 I mean look , and even so I mean depending on where it 's gon na be
5 By ‘ symphonically conceived ’ I mean relying on large-scale musical argument rather than on imagery derived from what the Germans call ‘ applied music ’ , angewandte Musik ( for stage , film , circus , etc. ) and by extension , not dependent on overt reference to contemporary events .
6 ‘ And anyway , what am I meant to do on a Sunday ? ’
8 You mean lying on their backs or sides and ca n't get to their feet because of their heavy , wet wool ? ’
9 What are we meant to write on these picture then ?
10 When he first reached the blissful shore of the redhead 's body , a peculiar idea occurred to him : he now knew at last what it meant to be absolutely modern ; it meant to lie on the shore of the redhead 's body .
11 Even if it meant sitting on her doorstep until she either came out of her flat or came home from wherever she was .
12 It meant fixing on the smiles for the photographers … who were not so much interested in the intricacies of skating as Christopher Dean 's private life recently under scrutiny in the tabloid press .
13 Young people with backpacks and habitual travellers may know what it means to go on a journey , but for most the romance of escape begins with deciding where to go on holiday and then getting there as quickly as possible .
14 Mostly it means concentrating on having fun , but for some it 's all a very serious business .
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