Example sentences of "[pers pn] must also [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 There are also two paths , d and e , in figure 13.7 which represent the other unspecified causes ; all variables in a model which have causal paths leading to them must also have arrows reminding us of the proportion unpredicted by the model .
2 As a consequence the dinosaurs that preyed on them must also have grown bigger .
3 This means that not only must I refrain from doing a person bodily harm , but I must also refrain from bearing him any ill-will which might cause him mental suffering .
4 I must also admit to being at something of a loss to explain why Darren Bicknell continues to flit between millionaires ' row and Cannery Row .
5 I must also admit that I 'd lost faith at this goal !
6 Among book ephemera I must also spare a paragraph for the modest bookmark , much neglected and too little chronicled.2 I do not , of course , refer to improvised examples such as scraps of brown paper and bacon rinds , but to the commercially produced strips of silk , paper and card , some of them elaborately lettered and decorated , deckled , frilled , tassled and ribboned .
7 I must also emphasise that the answer I give to the question before me will be of general application .
8 Tolonen 's appointment as General would certainly help in that regard , but I must also show them that I am my own man , not merely my father 's shadow .
9 I must also say that I resent the tendency of the Act to line the pockets of lawyers out of the tragic situations of families and children in trouble .
10 I must also acknowledge to the Minister and the House that I have been unable to interview my constituent face to face .
11 ‘ At the same time , ’ he said , ‘ I must also get to know my colleagues on the Board as fast as possible .
12 I must also come in when I am told and sit down and eat my meals properly and not run out into the street with a slice of bread in my hand .
13 And I must also add that I was a trifle put out , and surprised , because it seemed to me that he was turning down a good opportunity .
14 As my hair turns grey and falls out I must also put in a plug for senior sailors with earlier retirement
15 I must also apologize if I seemed to be trying to put you off them .
16 I must also criticise a system that puts them in a position in which problems occur .
17 But while on the subject of confessing ignorance , I must also state that I have so far made it through life without witnessing or participating in an Orange Walk .
18 I must also thank my parents for everything they have done for me and especially this wonderful event , my wedding to Steven .
19 My wife and I are very conscious of the very high honour that you have bestowed upon us and I must also thank my Party for proposing , and you all for electing , me to the office of Lord Mayor for the Metropolitan City of .
20 When you tilt the main bed , to add a ribber , you must also tilt your knitting ( by bringing it over the ribber ) to maintain the correct angle .
21 But you are not yet finished , because you must also check the annotation in the Noter-up binder of the Current Statutes Service .
22 I have to tell you that you must also fulfil the other obligations you have to your people if you are to remain in this kingdom .
23 If you have created your own LIFESPAN_ROUTER command file ( as described in Section 2.11 , User Access to Process ) , then you must also give READ access to this file .
24 Having planned in advance that you intend to press a bouquet or some special flowers , you must also decide how you intend to transport them from the event to your home .
25 You must also budget for :
26 You must also show improvement in a physical activity either in a team or as an individual .
27 You must also notify your Divisional/Section Head at intervals of no more than seven days of the position where the absence extends beyond seven days .
28 You must also build up , through your whole working life at least 20 years ' national insurance contributions , though the years need not be consecutive .
29 You must also study what you said , so long ago , in the published report .
30 You must also kit yourself out more suitably , ma'am . ’
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