Example sentences of "[pers pn] must be given " in BNC.

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1 In this discussion we shall have to make frequent use of the terms cost and expenses of production ; and some provisional account of them must be given before proceeding further .
2 If I am to show what I can do I must be given a chance to make my own complete performance .
3 When in January 1645 the French agreed to give the Dutch representatives the coveted title of " Excellency " this at once led to demands from the imperial electors that theirs must be given it also .
4 You must be given the sorcerers ’ protection , ’ he said .
5 The tradition says she must be given in marriage as soon as possible .
6 For example , he took comfort from the deflationary economic measures of July 1966 , which he opposed , as it gave him the chance ‘ to reassert collective Cabinet authority because I see how disastrous it is to allow Cabinet government to decline into mere Prime Ministerial government … if I achieved anything it was by asserting the right of Cabinet to take part in the making of economic strategy so that Harold conceded we must be given that right ’ .
7 ( Of course , no utterances are safe from the post-Freudian trick of claiming that they mean the opposite of what they say , but in the interpretation of literary texts we must be given additional , fairly unequivocal evidence of a discrepancy between speech and meaning , as we are given for Iago , but not for Othello . )
8 But I think we must be given freedom to choose the time and not commit ourselves to any timetable .
9 We must be given confidence in the Government who rule us without our consent .
10 We must be given confidence in the Army and the police .
11 But if we are to reduce the number of new infections and protect our young people , they must be given the facts about AIDS/HIV and given the opportunity to discuss the issues openly .
12 Instead she suggests that the content of the formal curriculum should be entirely overhauled : ‘ for girls to become a more powerful group , they must be given some understanding of females ' past powerlessness … in other subject areas , like English literature , social studies , art , biology and — where it is taught — psychology , there is a similar need to examine what girls are learning about women 's abilities and potential , and therefore what they should ( realistically ) expect for themselves ’ ( Hannon , 1979 , p. 115 ) .
13 Most casual workers are paid by the day or hour , and this alone determines the notice they must be given .
14 But being a liberal-democracy also implies that the minorities must be given a chance to become a majority ; and that means , therefore , that they must be given a chance status and a means to convert the majority .
15 At this vulnerable stage of their lives , they must be given the best possible food — a balanced diet including fresh vegetables , fruit , grains , fish and meat . ’
16 The effect of what is now sections 128 of the Act is that if particulars of such rights are not set out either in the memorandum or articles , or in a resolution or agreement ( a copy of which has to be sent to the Registrar under section 380 ) they must be given in a statement , in the prescribed form , sent to the Registrar within a month of allotment of the shares .
17 Both expansions of the European Economic Community led to the central institutions of the Community arguing successfully that , for the enlargement to function , they must be given more powers and the Community ‘ s political union must be strengthened .
18 To be of any use they must be given clearly and in good time .
19 ‘ Both John Emburey and Phil Tufnell have not bowled as well as they can but they must be given the opportunity to bowl more on these kind of turning pitches at home .
20 He must know what evidence has been given and what statements have been made affecting him , and then he must be given a fair opportunity to correct or contradict them . "
21 Then , realising that sooner or later he must be given a reason for her presence , she repeated the one she had given Stella .
22 Marx 's theory about what causes the historical process has been very widely discussed and we shall return to it again and again in this book , but even at this stage a simple account of it must be given .
23 According to the EC Directive , when nutrition information is given , it must be given in one of two ways :
24 A cat is a carnivore and if it is to be kept as a pet it must be given a carnivorous diet .
25 It must be given firmly and consistently but only by parents who are known not to become excessively angry or physical toward the child .
26 Although capsule distribution could be linked to other programmes such as immunisation , it must be given two to three times a year to achieve continuous coverage , and the risk of toxicity also needs consideration .
27 There are two different grades : Classic , which is uniformly coloured , £34.95 per sq m ; and Harmony , which has knots and colour variations , £30.64 per sq m Accessories : Cast-iron Chinese teapot , £75 ; rice bowls , about £15 each ; chopsticks , £1.25 per pair ; chopstick rest , £32.5 Best for : All rooms , but if laid in a bathroom it must be given two to three coats of sealer
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