Example sentences of "[pers pn] get [prep] these " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but I got by these people who 've been to Jamaica , says that he gi if you give five pound tip for there , there what 's erm they do n't like it , it 's not enough , they wo n't speak to you no more .
2 Nothing , absolutely nothing , so instead of thinking oh , what am I going to do about this , and can I get round here , if I turn round here , can I get round these bends or something , no I ca n't , it 'll all be sort of , no .
3 What relationship have you got with these .
4 Everybody stop when you get to these two .
5 And I 've been a few years on the Council now and when I first went on the Council I was going to move mountains and make oh big Taj Mahals everywhere , but when you get on these things you have a rude awakening , it does n't work out that way and it works out exactly the same in this erm .
6 You know , people you know you 're going to wind up in court with , and you need to , you want to keep an a , you know , an accurate log of every communication you , you get from these people .
7 wall for a start , plus the hum you get from these bloody things , in other words basically , as my parents spend a lot of time up in their top garden in the summer time , in the sunshine and all , you get the continual hum from that bloody
8 And you know they ca n't go , this one ca n't go earlier than that one because we 've got the sequence and so if we got through these steps , I think that those steps are the same steps that we go through on any project .
9 When the introduction is being played you do n't talk , now the quicker we get through these and practice these then we can have the other songs to sing , now I want please .
10 And I mean I put an asterisk down there to say that 's what I thought was going to come out quite heavily simply because this is is the case on these courses , you know the people that we get on these courses every single one of these that we 've had , and we must have had coming up to what over ten now , every single one we 've had people that the most the majority of people have had team work very high on the score .
11 And let's think about it , there are many people in this county who receive home help service , for instance , who could well afford to pay these charges , and we in the Liberal Democrats see that we can augment the service with the income we get from these charges .
12 Philip Roth 's contribution to The Facts is ( as distinct from Nathan Zuckerman 's ) significantly milder , in relation to family matters , than what we get in these abrasive comic fictions : but then the fictions can be nice too .
13 I mean they get into these jobs and really they 've no background of understanding of the exact
14 The Homunculi do not allow anyone to see the oracle unless invited.The adventurers will need to keep their wits about them to get past these pests .
15 The new NATO code , if it gets over these political hurdles , will not be legally binding ; there will be no formal arbitration mechanism .
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