Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 I 'd probably have had to compensate that bloke if you 'd broken it , and professional photographic equipment costs a devil of a lot , you know . ’
2 If I want to do some slap bass or play some very fast , light jazzy stuff , I 'd probably have to wear the bass quite high up , almost Mark King height , to really be comfortable .
3 Had I met him in the grocer 's , I 'd probably have thought him ‘ nice ’ as well .
4 I do n't want to detail the mistakes I made and quite clearly I have done things quite differently the second time around — otherwise , I 'd probably have been out of a job again at Sheffield Wednesday .
5 There certainly was n't time for thought just now , and had there been I 'd probably have been sick . ’
6 If I 'd followed my own path , I 'd probably have done something like that [ arts ] .
7 If I 'd come when you first asked me , I might have been in Saracen for an entire month : I 'd probably have no job to come back to . ’
8 But I used it as little as I could , though if the wind stayed in the south-west I thought I 'd probably have to use it for the later part of today 's outing .
9 ‘ If you had n't been so nasty , ’ she went on , ignoring his cold rebuttal , ‘ I 'd probably have gathered everything up .
10 If Malpass had suggested a swim round to Mortlake , I 'd probably have agreed .
11 And er , I thought I 'd probably have wall paper on that wall , you know , use , use the curtains just as plenty of fullness , but have them for keeping out the light or keeping in the heat ,
12 I 'd probably have to go there on the eighth .
13 No I was saying to her I 'd probably have one more before I go anyway and er I 'm , I 'm gon na ask her if she with my , cos at that nana 's there , I mean there 'll be four of us there , it might be worth an hour and a quarter drive
14 That looks a pretty good job , sweeping the floor , though I 'd rather have a go on the sweeping machine .
15 Well , frankly , I 'd rather have a little mud than a hatchet thrown at my back .
16 I do n't want to spend too long — there 's a lot else to do in London and I 'd rather have the autopsy before I ask too many questions .
17 ‘ No thank you , I 'd rather have coffee — at least , I do n't want anything — I 'm not a bit hungry … ’
18 And you must believe me when I tell you I 'd rather have been with you than in any of those exotic places . ’
19 Such games are usually very playable but BTTF is so poorly executed , I 'd rather have Corky stand on my head than play this drivel again .
20 ‘ I sometimes use an ambient mic on guitars , but I find that it can make things sound a bit too boxy and I 'd rather have the choice on the mix if I want to add a bit of ambience .
21 I 'd tell my husband I 'd rather have a change of holiday and not go with our friends .
22 And Hardy 's were probably the best known fishing tackle shop in the world and it got into the hands of one of the Hardy 's brothers and he said , ‘ May we market it under your name ? ’ and I said , ‘ My God , I 'd rather have that than a knighthood ’ — this was some years ago — and then Hardy 's were rationalized , which means of course that everything costs twice as much and there was n't as much in the shop .
23 I remember feeling a bit disappointed as I went to school on the morning of my birthday — I 'd rather have stayed home and finished the aviary .
24 ‘ If there 's coffee , I 'd rather have that , please .
25 I 'd rather have given the bastards the cab ranks than see Antney dead . ’
26 I 'd rather have the good luck tonight , I thought , as I resumed my walk to the clubhouse .
27 I 'd rather have it doing that than lifting the front and shaking its head . ’
28 I 'd rather have the hit off dikes any day , but smack was easier to get hold of , so I got into that instead .
29 I 'd rather have had a knife .
30 I 'd rather have a turkey ! ’
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