Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll mortify my surplus flesh ,
2 Still , as long as you 're not thinking about makin' me your fancy piece , I 'll do me best to stand up brave to the world . ’
3 At the early age of thirty-eight me mother sent me West Get up , said she , and get a job says I I 'll do me best I pulled on my Wellingtons to march to march to Kiljimock But I took a wrong turn at Charlestown and ended up in Knock Once this quiet crossroads was a place of quiet prayer Where Catholics got indulgent once or twice a year You could buy a pair of rosary beads or get your candles blessed If you had a guilty conscience , you could get it off your chest …
4 I 'll do me sums .
5 C Economics , C French , D German I 'll do me
6 I 'll do her in a minute .
7 Well I 'll do one and mummy does the other one .
8 I 'll do whatever I have to , ’ Ari answered .
9 I 'll do whatever they want to do . ’
10 I 'll do whatever you suggest .
11 And I 'm saying to Mrs Jones , yeah I 'll do whatever , y'know , I used to have some good contacts with Estate Agents and that and they would just ring me up and say will you come and do so and so and we want it done within six or seven days , y'know , a house that they were selling , that they 'd want completely doing from top to bottom inside and out .
12 I 'll do whatever else I can to help you , Blanche , but you 've got to realise I 'm being watched all the time now . ’
13 I 'll do whatever 's necessary , but I 'm nobody 's fool .
14 I 'll do whatever 's necessary , ’ Joe said .
15 And believe me when I tell you that I 'll do whatever I have to do to make you stay here . ’
16 I 'll do whatever I can to help .
17 I 'll do whatever you want .
18 I 'll do whatever I feel like when I 'm
19 I 'll do everything in my power to get you out .
20 I promise I 'll do everything I can to help the rest of you — ‘
21 I 'll do everything I can , ’ she said , freeing herself .
22 ‘ Old friend , ’ he said , ‘ I 'll do everything possible . ’
23 I 'll do everything you say . ’
24 It will take a while , I 'm afraid , but I 'll do everything I can to persuade the family that they should meet you . ’
25 Kernaghan , who has actually won schoolboy caps for Northern Ireland added : ‘ I 've been given a big chance now to book my ticket for the World Cup finals in America and I 'll do everything I can to take it . ’
26 And he goes , I did n't do anything And he goes , he goes , she goes , right , you be the captain I 'll do everything else , do n't touch nothing .
27 and then now I 'll do her dryer washing for her .
28 ‘ It 'll have to go before t ’ planning committee , ’ the Mayor said , ‘ but as you 're all in agreement I 'll do what I can . ’
29 I 'll do what I can , ’ Parmedes said resignedly , cursing the day he ever set foot in Club Eleusis .
30 I 'll do what
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