Example sentences of "[pers pn] by [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having asked for very specific things and following the instructions your mentor gives you by speaking with your own voice , you will see the results .
2 Rather than tensing up and pulling with all your arm strength , simply use your weight to do the work for you by leaning on your arms with a straight back .
3 Erm it is quite unfair , and illegal , for a shop to try to duck out of their responsibilities to you by pointing to a sign that says no refunds , no money refunded .
4 and I thought it was hysterical , it was the fact that you noticed when you first came here about if somebody liked you they always greeted you by swearing at you
5 Having read his Burke , he knows the aphorism which I will not insult you by quoting about taxation .
6 Whenever you give clarification or provide information four times out of ten someone else will follow you by doing the same and three times out of ten someone else will follow you by asking for more .
7 Since God had created the universe , the artist should honour Him by creating in his turn .
8 Then he rather undercut the room 's prim pity for him by roaring with laughter .
9 If you do n't acknowledge this resentment , you will inevitably let it seep out and it 's all too easy to punish him by hinting at inadequacies , and burden him with guilt at your loss .
10 We 'll probably find out more about him by speaking to his prospective models .
11 During 1915 Modigliani came to feel that Max had betrayed him by siding with Beatrice .
12 She cloaked her embarrassment at seeing him by rushing into speech .
13 CHAMPION golfer Fred Couples has walked out on his wife of 12 years because she embarrassed him by dancing on a table , friends claimed last night .
14 He made sure I knew it was him by flicking on his interior light and waving me towards him .
15 Oh , he had told lies and they had trapped him by asking for the names of other English agents in Paris .
16 He believes that the United States has been destroyed by morally subversive elements ( such as Sigmund Freud , Franklin Delano Roosevelt and , of course , Elvis Presley ) , and he also claims that the government ‘ ruint ’ him by interfering in his coal-mining business .
17 Taylor was upset with Platt before the Turkey game for not informing him of the serious nature of the injury but the player surprised him by playing at Wembley with his usual effectiveness .
18 One , she felt , was taking advantage of Bernard and her by knowing about the business — he had requested some shares in the company , which she considered an outrageous request ; another had called her by her Christian name which was equally unacceptable .
19 When he played tennis with his sister , he would infuriate her by wandering off the court to contemplate .
20 THE lover of Britain 's famous agony aunt , Marje Proops , was secretly cheating on her by living with another woman .
21 She would occasionally reward Thatcherite newspapers , such as the Express , with a gracious , unrevealing interview ; on television , Sir Robin Day and Brian Walden would flatter her by pretending to be tough , and she would flatter them by pretending they were .
22 He wooed her by sharing with her a delicious baobab fruit .
23 Whenever a female enters his territory he courts her by swimming in a zig-zag dance , eventually leading her to the next where she enters and he prods her tail to entice her to lay her eggs .
24 My father tried to stop her by standing in her way , so she ran him over and broke his leg quite badly , on the path before the bridge .
25 Mrs Lee , 43 , formerly the secretary of the club at the Golden Lion Hotel , Barnard Castle , began taking the cash entrusted to her by paying for a telephone bill .
26 I tried to take his mind off her by talking about the Norwegian leather industry but he could n't get interested somehow .
27 And although I had disappointed her by going into ‘ trade ’ , I was still the son of the house .
28 They could all meet there and he would n't embarrass her by coming into the bank while she did her little bit of business .
29 Private Eye is appealing against the record £600,000 damages paid to Mrs Sutcliffe after a seven-day trial last May , in which she alleged the magazine had libelled her by claiming in its ‘ Street of Shame ’ column that she had made a £250,000 deal with the Daily Mail for her story after a night of ‘ carousing ’ with the paper 's journalists in a hotel .
30 He laughed against her throat and then teased her by nipping at her chin .
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