Example sentences of "[pers pn] do [prep] these " in BNC.

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1 What would I do without these things I do n't know .
2 I ca , I do n't I do like these shops but I ca n't go in them .
3 And maybe you need to be thirtysomething yourself to feel as I do about these people .
4 I perhaps have worked out , I need a clerical assistant and so forth , I might need a small van to actually take my widget on a Friday , to Widget , or Big Widget factory , or whatever it is I do with these widgets .
5 Other readers may respond more positively than I do to these over-leisurely presumptions on their interest .
6 Now that is you know what do you do with these things I mean they 're a nuisance when it comes to making a presentation .
7 Now what else can you do with these pages .
8 E What have you done with these 200 examination scripts so far ?
9 So yes you can what I want you to do with these is look through them
10 What are you doing with these for ?
11 what you doing with these here ?
12 what you doing with these ?
13 How are you doing on these , alright ?
14 ‘ What are you doing around these parts ? ’ she asked .
15 ‘ What do you want me to do about these ? ’
16 What can we do about these bacteria then ?
17 If you see , throw it wide open , so it can safely give you lots of ideas , and then you can say to people who are adapters , right now what can we do with these in five years ?
18 So we cancel all the twos on the bottom , right that 's good , yeah that goes , yeah that 's wh Oops , what do we do with these ?
19 So , short of sending out an army of class warriors from Teesside , what are we to do with these socially unacceptable socialites ?
20 What are we doing about these trays then ?
21 ‘ So what did they do at these meetings ? ’
22 He says being a little forgiving I could praps forgive them a little for us on the 1952 test , the first , but I ca n't forgive them for what they did to these other lads on the later tests , they must have known something from Nagasaki , Hiroshima and Bikini atoll tests .
23 I would say oh they do for these extra classroom they 're gon na
24 ‘ You deserve it , but I was afraid they were n't the sort of people to make wills and the house would go to the Crown or whatever they do in these cases . ’
25 What did he do for these other people and do they actually miss him more than they do themselves ?
26 If you give it more insects than it needs , what does it do with these extra insects ?
27 Now he thinks more of her than he did of these , when they were babies .
28 God help us with the economy , if he comes up with a crackpot idea like he did over these grading appeals .
29 At 16′38″ the music is precise and beautiful with Dohnányi when it should flare with passion and angst as it does with these same musicians under Previn .
30 I think not : in Case 145/88 the court had no need to rely on the criterion of proportionality — any more than it does in these cases — since it was immediately apparent , as it is now in these proceedings , that the obstacles created by the national legislation in question certainly were not , and are not , of such a kind as to compel the member state to dispense with a measure necessary for the attainment of a justified objective .
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