Example sentences of "[pers pn] with the other " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was sent to you with the other orders . ’
2 Just the same as you with the other game .
3 Let's put them with the other flat ones .
4 No doubt they would return and place him with the other Commando dead in neat rows in front of the Chateau to await burial .
5 A female that moves in with an already paired male must share him with the other females .
6 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
7 So absorbed , or intoxicated , was it that I used to photograph it with the other hand .
8 I 'd spent most of it with the other two , one bad and the other indifferent , now I 'd come across a good one and fate gave us four years together , that 's all .
9 He was particularly adept , this one , at stopping a forward bursting through from the line-out with a startling iron-hard thrust from his stump as he pulled him on to it with the other
10 Rather , it was the manner and forum — a press conference in Paris — in which de Gaulle had announced his verdict , without formally discussing it with the other Community members .
11 The young man — not a man at all , in fact , but a boy dressed like a man , bearing himself like a man — made a strange gesture : holding one hand at head-height , he struck it with the other , palm against palm , a glancing blow .
12 And then do it with the other leg .
13 What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions ?
14 Although we do not yet have a proper quantum theory of gravity , let alone one that unifies it with the other physical interactions , we do have an idea of some of the features it should have .
15 Tavett grew annoyed when he realized she had already discussed it with the other two the previous evening as soon as she had been allowed to leave the police station .
16 WordPerfect on it to compare it with the other one and it was I er said
17 ‘ And you 'll file it with the other stuff , will you ? ’ asked Hilda Machin at the door .
18 The same if I brush one arm against a wall or a lamp-post ; I must brush the other one as well , soon , or at the very least scratch it with the other hand .
19 And this is a matter which must be given some weight in decision when you combine it with the other factors also which we have gone through today .
20 I rather thought just wanted to contrast it with the other case and er it may not be obvious to the jury but why , why did you want a shot gun that 's a little shorter ?
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