Example sentences of "[pers pn] have from [art] " in BNC.

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1 This account I had from a person of honour .
2 These are the eggs I had from the butcher .
3 It 's the only material souvenir that I have from the war ’ .
4 Well , this is the thing , we have a caretaker but er fo for his services , but I 've been at the council and I have got nowhere , I have from the corporation , there 's an awful lot of people complaining but they 'll do nothing about it !
5 You know if you die and you 've from the bank says you 'll get buried anyway .
6 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
7 He would go on sleeping badly , and opening people 's luggage , and given great luck he would even keep on living with Sam , though it was difficult to imagine that she would seriously consent to give up such a trophy , however little genuine pleasure she had from the child .
8 She had from the beginning an immunity to other people 's opinion of her , which is n't a characteristic that is much liked in women .
9 I prefer to think things through and find a logical reason for them , and reason tells me that you 're hiding what information you have from the police because you 're afraid that it will ruin your scoop .
10 We had from the outset a desire to cross barriers that had previously existed and to get involved in community groups .
11 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
12 We had from the above example : unc
13 that we had from the day we opened and we 've never found them !
14 Incredibly , the fine 1972 Nutcracker has yet to appear complete on CD ( Previn 's RPO remake is a bitter disappointment by comparison ) so the generous selection here ( including the ‘ Snowflakes Waltz ’ and the Finale as well as the pieces from the Suite and some other movements ) is all we have from a fine set .
15 We make-believe that the dried skull is all that we have from a modern animal , use a plaster cast to estimate how big its brain was from the skull alone , and then check with the real brain to see how accurate our estimate was .
16 So first we need to be sure that the other record is in fact reliable and , second , we need to remember how little total evidence we have from the ancient past .
17 All we have from the Opposition is unsupported assertions , uncosted commitments and empty rhetoric .
18 The remains of these edifices in Italy , France , Germany , Spain , Yugoslavia , Greece , Rumania and Asia Minor give us a clear idea of their way of life as well as their modes of building and it is a much more complete picture than that which we have from the Greek civilisation because of its very complexity and variety .
19 And the latest score we have from the Parks :
20 He pointed out that they had from the start prosecuted a vigorous trial even though cross-courses had led to " vast expense " and that they were , as spiritedly as ever , carrying on " bold works " .
21 Colonel with a K the this band , they used to , that they had from the tenth replacement depot used to come down and play at the Town Hall , and they they like I said before they were fellas on the way to join Glen the absolute ultimate musicians of America and it was why I 'm still today erm I 've got a big collection of jazz records and have always been interested in the big band sound .
22 At a first glance none of the samples match what they had from the body specimens . ’
23 One , he has from the start recognized your talent ; and two , he is in love with you . ’
24 The three streams which once ran beneath it have long since vanished , but , at the back of the town , the water still finds its way to the sea , as it has from the beginning of time .
25 Or , perhaps , it had the meaning he had wanted it to have from the beginning : the meaning that had kept him out of coups led by others .
26 Although not quoted as a reference over recent years , the Henley Standard continued its reporting of the Club 's fixtures and competitions , as it had from the beginning .
27 This demonstrated the advantages which the DCAC derived from its ability to attract fresh minds like McClean 's and the good will it had from the Catholic community in general .
28 His word conveyed power and achieved results as it had from the time of creation itself .
29 He looked younger close-up than he had from a distance .
30 MacLachlan , moreover , was not averse to seeking further advantages for himself , for while acknowledging Milton 's assistance in getting him a tack of two farms in Morvern for nineteen years , which would scarcely appear to be a short lease , he complained that he had been informed that other tenants had obtained tacks of three times the length of that which he had from the Duke of Argyll , urging that he could ‘ be as usefull as any in that Countrey by introduceing a cheap method of improvement and otherwise ’ .
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