Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [conj] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The main feeling I had when going back was of déjà vu , of stepping back two years in my life .
2 Er I had or trying to provoke us , and erm what our lads have been informed is rather than take a situation on like that , it 's better just to turn around and walk away .
3 And I had a couple of months making it and god , it was such a wonderful time I had and writing the lyrics and saying things about love and feelings that have meant something to me over the years .
4 Take , for example , the perceptual experience that I have while looking at this bunch of carnations arranged in a vase on the table in the middle of the room .
5 What additional training have you had while working ?
6 Helen frowned and pushed back the hair from her forehead , a habit she had when thinking .
7 But clearly the liberal democrats have not learnt the lesson of spending what you have and running prudent budgets .
8 When the naive inductivist , and many other empiricists , assume that there is something unique given to us in experience that can be interpreted in various ways , they are assuming , without argument and in spite of much evidence to the contrary , some one-to-one correspondence between the images on our retinas and the subjective experiences that we have when seeing .
9 The rest are too busy worrying about holding on to what they have or getting more . ’
10 — Peter Sellers , telling reporters of a heart attack he had while making love to Britt Ekland .
11 Young wheat especially , so pure and tender , woke in him the same emotion that he had when observing the face of a sleeping baby .
12 It had been a choice between bearing what he had or running back to Aber where he was privileged and protected , and for Harry that had been no choice at all .
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