Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Er , the first thing is I put on the top of my draught that I 'd rather the pupils were n't involved at this stage I 'd rather they were involved in the over view with form tutor .
2 I had immediately the sensation that I was expected .
3 Facilities for homeless people are of course open only at certain times of the day and I had n't the money to go anywhere else .
4 But it was absolutely clear to me then that I had n't the political antennae , the political flair .
5 I had n't the remotest idea , but I followed the little rails which were used by the tiny railway to carry food up to the dining rooms …
6 I 've done my own cleaning ready for Christmas which I had n't the energy for in the spring and my husband and I walk about 3–4 miles every day .
7 ‘ For a long time , ’ replied Ray , ‘ I had n't the faintest idea .
8 Malc was furious , especially when I admitted that I had n't the heart to charge the old dear , so we were two quid out of pocket .
9 ‘ But by then I had been her slave nearly all my life and I had n't the courage or the guts to say no .
10 I had n't the faintest idea who he was , but he looked jolly .
11 I had n't the first idea what she meant .
12 I just gave in , I had n't the strength to resist them .
13 After a few days , nine or ten , I wondered if it would aid things to pay a visit to Scotland , but I had n't the purpose for it , let alone the money .
14 I had n't the least idea where on the head was the best place to hit or how hard it had to be .
15 Honestly , I had n't the slightest idea what I was going to say as I walked up to you .
16 That was bad enough but what made it worse was that I had n't the faintest idea what was wrong with them .
17 But I had n't the heart .
18 Driving home in the minibus , she offered Silas an apologetic smile as she admitted , ‘ I had n't the heart to throw them out . ’
19 He said I was just covering up for the fact that I had n't the faintest idea of what was wrong . ’
20 and I had n't the heart to tell
21 Ross 's experience struck an identical chord with me , for John Sheard and I had exactly the same experience on the first ascent of Face Route where the second , hanging on a sling to remove gear , was observed by a member of the establishment and a rumour immediately started that was rapidly translated into guidebook writer 's ‘ fact ’ .
22 I had exactly the same feeling about her , although we had never met . ’
23 When I eventually arrived back at Duxford , I had exactly the same amount of fuel on board that I flew out with ! ’
24 I had exactly the same problem when using Windows 3.1 with an Epson LQ400 printer .
25 But I had exactly the contrary feeling .
26 Well , when that thing in the mask jumped out from behind the boxes and ran up the stairs , I had exactly the same feeling .
27 yes , I had exactly the same thing , being a top flight secretary at work
28 I had not the first notion of mechanics , but you with your capable hands worked on the machine until , after running with it , pushing it along , we were able to make the engine tick over again .
29 I went to Croke Park and I had not the slightest interest in Protestantism but I did come from a Fermanagh family where you did live cheek by jowl with republicanism so I had imbibed it undoubtedly and it resurfaced , the inherited knowledge of the heart of the controversy in Ulster .
30 ‘ I early found that I had not the literary ability to give me such a place among English authors as I should have desired ; but I thought that I had an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of many of the distinguished men of the age , and that I might do some good by keeping a record of my interviews with them . ’
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