Example sentences of "[pers pn] be to he " in BNC.

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1 What have I been to him ? ’
2 I know what I am to him .
3 Her life was as important to her as his was to him .
4 ‘ Your husband may well be decent , kind and generous to you , but all you are to him is a decorative object .
5 What a boon you are to him , Opal , my dear .
6 If you 're nice to him — I wo n't use the language over the air ( because you 'd be shut down ) that he uses to me — however nice you are to him it does n't make a bit of difference .
7 He 's told me what a deadweight you were to him .
8 Poor Lucy , he 's a dreadful embarrassment to her , nearly as bad as she is to him . ’
9 Somehow , whatever she was to him , it was important for her to believe that .
10 Jane squeezed his arm , and the young man abruptly — shockingly — realized just how close she was to him .
11 He was as bound to her as she was to him .
12 She was only sorry that she had demonstrated exactly how vulnerable she was to him .
13 And even now , after Dr Neil 's healing influence , daily exerted , for although he could not make direct love to her he was able to let her know in a thousand different ways how much he loved her , and how precious she was to him , she still felt the odd shudder of shame and fear .
14 Was that all she was to him — a head of sensuous hair ?
15 She had already discovered to her cost just how strongly attracted she was to him on a physical level .
16 However , when we recognize that God is able to rule over our personal woundedness , then we begin to appreciate how profoundly indebted we are to him .
17 They were to he not only the routes to culture and the intellect but the means to romance and sort of sex .
18 Consequently , it is to him that the European world owes a uniform calendar corresponding to the needs of a universal society and based upon the Christian year .
19 He is the chief executive and administrative officer of the local authority , and it is to him in the end that the council must turn to see that the decisions of the council are executed .
20 It is to him that the most certain benefit of holding more surgeries would accrue : they would give proof of availability and sympathetic concern and increase the number of his personal contacts .
21 The landowner , Lord Wharncliffe , conscious of the loss of one of Britain 's greatest natural assets , immediately instructed his workmen to reconstruct the lip exactly as it was before , and it is to him that we now owe the sight of Hardraw Force in all its almost-original splendour .
22 It is to him we go when we need support .
23 ‘ We shall send to you , Khan , and you shall advise us — but Alexei shall lead them , and it is to him we shall issue our patent . ’
24 If we want to understand and possess the Spirit in his fullness , we need to keep our eyes firmly on Christ himself , for it is to him that all the Spirit 's authentic witness is directed .
25 Funakoshi 's son , Yoshitaka , became something of a driving force behind his father 's club , and it is to him that the famous ‘ mawashi geri ’ , or roundhouse kick , is accredited .
26 An interesting case study , thought Juliet — I suppose that 's all it is to him .
27 It was to him first and last a land full of Heroes .
28 Yet his criticism of false miracles undermined the foundations of popular belief and it was to him that the future heretic Blanco White acknowledged his debt .
29 He offered no words , though he thought words within , in the Welsh tongue , which had been native to her as it was to him .
30 Christopher Court , MP , had no difficulty in getting straight through on the telephone to Chief Superintendent Coffin once he had decided it was to him he wished to speak .
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