Example sentences of "[pers pn] be do was " in BNC.

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1 Er yes Chair , first of all the the last point first as it were , the erm Senior Inspector is quite correct what I was doing was allocating the nine seven figure that the County had proposed in H One , er that 's why it does n't add up add up to ten four , clearly I have n't done the calculations for ten four , but on the basis that erm there are seven hundred extra dwellings going into Ryedale , I think Mr Donson can work that one out .
2 Erm well just as you come , that 's the best I felt all afternoon and I , all I was doing was playing peepo with them through me jumper , cos I games
3 It was , in fact , just a peculiarly rich and extended example , and the kind of thing I was doing was in principle applicable to great numbers of texts .
4 And the kind of thing I was doing was in principle applicable to great numbers of texts .
5 What you were doing was heading for the exit ! ’
6 Now what you were doing was , you got the top figure of available beds and you this time , I 'm only going for the this paper that is shown to me a an an an and produced some place in in your apartments and it says here , partly vacancies weekend in the first of August .
7 ‘ If you really thought what you were doing was above-board you would have invited Sarella here long before this . ’
8 my Lord all that follows now is that question costs in this my Lord there is no doubt that er this is the painful experience for both the plaintiffs and of course for doctor who is unrepresented and therefore must inevitably feel rather isolated in this matter erm , however in my there is no reason to er depart from the usual principal of the costs which should follow the event and of course we know as it the loss on the subsidiary appeal and so I do n't press the point on that cos the reality as you 've already probably anticipated is all the work has been done erm on this appeal the subsidiary appeal I ask , I do n't ask for costs on that , in my submission it should be both sides bear their own costs on that , the reason I say that is that there was no , there was no cross appearing in respect on it in effect , cos after all , all you were doing was er trying to get the same as the other side if we lost , so no worm of can of beans can be done by doctor I had one parallel in my whole skeleton on that , er , but we have substantially succeeded on the main issue and so I , I would ask that costs in favour of the plaintiffs on , on that and here and indeed below .
9 ‘ The analysts finally said that what we were doing was not the problem — the problem was that we made it look as though the truth was being dragged out of us .
10 What we were doing was a half-hour walkabout to accustom us to the feel of the birds .
11 This sounded a hollow threat while all we were doing was folding our clothes and learning how to be housetrained and use flushing lavatories .
12 What we were doing was total duplication .
13 The right hon. Member for Henley made a powerful point when he said that all we were doing was trying to introduce an envy tax .
14 Erm what we were doing was filling in these these postcards asking MPs to turn up on February the fourth to support the energy conservation bill when it has its er second reading in Parliament .
15 He said yesterday : ‘ The message is : do n't blame us and , moreover , if you thought what we were doing was right , give us some backing . ’
16 just a few lights and what we were doing was cleaning
17 In other words , the managers at the LBO could have achieved similar results without a buy-out ; what they were doing was seizing the gain for themselves .
18 They each believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of the world as each saw it and neither would give way to the other , or defer in any way to the other 's claimed priority in attention , preference or responsibility .
19 Poor souls , all they were doing was cutting calorie intake — the hard way .
20 JB : Just working alongside these people , and seeing them being involved in whatever it was they were doing was stimulating in a strange sort of way , and kept us on our toes .
21 No-one should ever think that what they were doing was too small .
22 In this , as in much else , the fallen Communist leaders could plead that all they were doing was imitating Lenin .
23 But Suzy said there were all kinds of awards young people could get , particularly if what they were doing was connected with conservation — I was really surprised .
24 The defendants claimed that what they were doing was in furtherance of their dispute with the provincial newspapers .
25 All they were doing was waiting for their Dad .
26 Because , what they were doing was their best .
27 what they were doing was taking turns , one bloke was doing three man 's jobs while the other two was a kip
28 The problem with many of the parents we interviewed of primary school children was that they did n't really know what their children were doing at school a lot of the time and , because they did n't know what they were doing , they sort of feared that it , they were n't doing anything or that what they were doing was not actual work , what they remembered as work .
29 The Blue Arrow prosecution was later to accuse the defendants of conspiring to rig the market — not alleging that the late take up was illegal , but that the purpose for which it was done was unlawful .
30 The way it was done was that if you imagine putting one card in for psychology , two cards in for research methods , one card in for psychoanalytical approaches , three cards in for memory and so on and so forth an then they were sort of drawn out and then when a topic had been picked the other cards were removed .
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