Example sentences of "[pers pn] be in my " in BNC.

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1 For example if I am in my late fifties and I have a mother in her early eighties and she dies I will grieve for her .
2 If , on the other hand , I am in my early twenties and my parents are in their forties and one of them dies I will grieve in the same way , but am likely to be taken unawares and be unprepared .
3 Suppose I go through door B ( to the bathroom , say ) , and find that a new door has been constructed in position X. Next time I am in my armchair and want coffee , would I pursue the path A-B-X-D-E , which is a bit shorter than A-C-D-E ?
4 ‘ But I am in my twelfth summer , ’ she said aloud then , stifling a sob .
5 I am in my thirteenth summer and dream of a romantic match , of a handsome suitor — not a boy ! ’
6 Q I am in my 50s and enjoy very good health , but I am terrified of dying .
7 I am in my second year of articles at the Prudential Corporation plc — one of the UK 's leading companies and the largest financial services business outside the high street banks .
8 ‘ Hide under the table , mademoiselle , and when I am in my room I will bang on the floor and the coast will be clear . ’
9 So here I am in my usual pew , between
10 Here I am in my office , after all .
11 I am in my early twenties , and well remember the ‘ glory days ’ of Newcastle United with their world class line up of Keegan , Waddle , Beardsley and Co .
12 I am in my 30s and married , but I am beginning to think the young men are not always to blame .
13 I am in my third year now studying history of art .
14 I 'm in my 30s now , ’ she adds , ‘ and a lot of my friends are looking round and saying , ‘ Why do n't you have a family , a husband and a baby ? ’
15 When I see I 'm in my old room , I remember Marie 's gone .
16 Check the sentries one more time then I 'm in my sleeping bag by 0230 hrs — luxury — a lie-in now until 0530 hrs ! …
17 I know I 'm in my mid thirties and ought to know my own mind by now , but I 'm scared of the commitment .
18 I 'm in my thirteenth season of senior rugby , I thoroughly enjoy every moment and I would not with to play for any other club than Watsonians .
19 I 'm not in a hospital , I 'm in my kitchen …
20 I 'm in my sixties ! ’
21 " Oh , I 'm in my element .
22 I 'm in my own world , drifting about , communicating with the baby , looking forward to it , not really thinking …
23 Will you forget me , and be happy with others , when I 'm in my grave ? ’
24 ‘ And I 'm in my old tartan skirt and black sweater , ’ she lamented .
25 I 'm in my last year of art school .
26 Just shoved them off , put them on the dole , and there was some young lads that I I was n't worried myself , cos I I 'm in my sixties , but there was lads there with mortgages and kids .
27 I 'm in my fourth season as a panel referee in the Conference , so I 'm hoping to get a chance in the summer , ’ he said .
28 But I 'm in my element then are n't I ?
29 , good think I 'm in my dog walker 's .
30 I wish I were in my bed at Wuthering Heights , with the wind howling through the trees .
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