Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ HE has tasted all the bread in the sandwiches and approved the menu although he ca n't try all the fillings because some of them are meat and he is vegetarian ’ — Laurence Myers on the opening of Gary Glitter 's sandwich bar .
2 All of them are shit and rubbish recording .
3 The streets round about are a meat market ; couples rent by the half-hour — I do n't think many of them are man and wife . ’
4 Although the registered disabled comprise a substantial proportion — some 12 per cent — of the population of Britain , only two to three per cent of them are chairbound and only four per cent of the registered blind have a guide dog .
5 Among them are war and nuclear armament , attitudes towards the ‘ Third World ’ , and the role of the Church in the next millennium
6 I woke to a shout : ‘ I am Alpha and Omega . ’
7 I also speak on behalf of the group New Consensus , of which I am chairman and which is both all-party and none .
8 I can tell them they will never , ever return to Barnet while I am chairman if they are captured . ’
9 We have come through it to the extent that I am north and west Belfast Branch Secretary .
10 I 'm the woman too : in this dream I am participant as well as onlooker .
11 I am strength and power and light and speed , Taliesin , ’ he said , ‘ but even I can not protect you from the Time Fire .
12 The normal association of prose with the lower elements — no one could say in prose ‘ I am fre and air ; my other elements/I give to baser life ’ ( Antony and Cleopatra , V.ii.289f. ) — is revealed most amusingly in the case of Bottom .
13 ‘ Shall I be mother and pour or d' you want me to disappear while you two talk Jockey Club business . ’
14 I 'm play and it 's about Scrooge .
15 Well I do n't , I 'm bread and I might some of it on the top .
16 Yes , supposing I 'm mutant and I have , I have a mutation which promotes my reproductive success one hundred percent .
17 And he er and he was really delighted of course , so he said , Well I 'm holiday and I 'll come round with the caravan , so I had my holiday which did n't make much difference because there was had to you know we were n't working really , and I went round with him for this week , all round and the villages everywhere .
18 I 'm nob but an old fool , lass .
19 I 'm cuckoo if I do that !
20 Everything looks so high from here , and I 'm all squashed and thin like I 'm paper and people can walk over me and it would n't hurt and they would n't know I was there .
21 PLEASE TELL Grub Smith ( ‘ Hi , I 'm Grub and I 'm an Alcoholic ’ , February ) that we 've got much better drinking stories north of Hadrian 's Wall .
22 I do n't know whether I 'm virtue or the reward , but never mind !
23 No not really , no I , I 'm hale and hearty erm there is no history of illness in my family , my father , my grandfather lived till he was about eighty four I 've never really given it much thought .
24 And I 'm flesh and blood , at least .
25 I 'm game if you are . ’
26 I 'm game if you are . ’
27 ‘ Sure , I 'm game if you are ! ’
28 I 'm game if you are .
29 I said you and I were man and wife , and to lose me would break or damage your bond with the King .
30 One of my best-known remarks was when I was Chancellor and Geoffrey Howe was my opponent , and he made a rather damaging criticism of what I was doing and I did n't want to spend time on that .
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