Example sentences of "[pers pn] look into [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I look into her eyes .
2 Wessex Poems , with its idiosyncratic drawings , introduced him to a startled public as a poetic writer of great originality and — in ‘ Neutral tones ’ , ‘ Friends beyond ’ , ‘ I look into my glass ’ for example — a potential master of the lyric form .
3 ‘ I thought I no longer felt anything for you , but when I look into your eyes …
4 ‘ Sometimes I feel , when I look into your eyes , that I know you , right to your soul .
5 I look into his patient eyes .
6 But as I looked into her lovely face , I knew I could not live with the lie .
7 And I saw , when I looked into her eyes , that she was not quite … alone .
8 I looked into his eyes .
9 I looked into his face .
10 The first time I looked into his eyes and saw how much he 'd suffered .
11 I looked into his clenched face and said ,
12 and I looked into his bronze ,
13 I looked into his eyes and they reminded me of the saying ‘ The lights were on but there was nobody home .
14 I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine and five shots went over my head , ’ recalls Roy .
15 ‘ I thought I could handle it — but the very next day we 'd been sightseeing and returned to our suite and I looked into your eyes and felt myself drowning .
16 For them to look into his eyes ,
17 The meaning of ‘ Let me look into your eyes ’ is clearly affected by the office and role of the sender !
18 My mother was a woman of great piety and orthodoxy ; and when she allowed me to look into her forest depths I found them good .
19 If they ask for proof , let them look into their own hearts .
20 And Kerry at home , young girl whom I 'm going to see erm , take that with , like you look into her freezer , she 's got a big freezer like that , and they 've got so much frozen foods , and you look into ours , we 've got the one the same size , but it 's just basically frozen vegetables , so you know .
21 Think about it when you look into my eyes , and before you go to sleep .
22 As you look into your shaving mirror in the morning , you shall say , hello Minister , how are you ?
23 Or as you look into your drawer in the morning , to find out what you need to put into your hand bag in the day , you say hello Minister , how are you ?
24 In any case , how could she look into his eyes and convince him she would n't touch him with a ten-foot pole when every time he came within a few feet of her she quivered inside , remembering the fierce and all too brief pressure of his mouth on hers ?
25 ‘ Well , when you looked into his eyes were you looking up or down ? ’
26 He appeared to be an unprepossessing " guardian " until you looked into his humorous and lively eyes .
27 She looked into her mother 's face , pleading for understanding .
28 Once or twice she looked into her sister 's book , but it had no pictures or conversations in it .
29 She looked into her children 's faces .
30 Sandy said , ‘ They 're the dangerous ones , ’ and then she looked into her glass even though it was really too dark to see anything of it .
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