Example sentences of "[pers pn] also [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to destroy it … but I also felt sorry for it .
2 I used to look at her and admire her but I also felt sorry for her because she was always confined to the flat .
3 I also felt bad about reading it because I 'm sure Stuart would have thought I was spying .
4 I also asked Grand Met what percentage of its tenants had left the trade completely since the beer orders were introduced less than two years ago .
5 I also suffered temporary blindness caused by altitude sickness .
6 I also suffered over-night hair loss … in bald patches !
7 I also saw poor people as having more sense of community and warmth — as altogether nicer and more ideologically sound !
8 I also got married because of the constant fear of losing Marie , which really is no foundation for a good relationship .
9 I also tabled early-day motion 186 in the last Session of Parliament , which was supported by no fewer than 39 hon. Members , calling for lighting throughout the tunnel and for closed circuit television .
10 I also had real boots for the first time .
11 I also had odd ends of three cones of that random yarn that was so popular a number of years ago .
12 I also had excellent advice from one of my history tutors : " Do n't read people on Marx ; read Marx . "
13 But my periods were very few and far between and I also had excessive and embarrassing hair growth .
14 I also had fierce battles with Peter Rees , while Peter 's successor , John MacGregor , maintained that I was the only minister who almost walked out of one of his ‘ bilaterals ’ .
15 I also had dreadful nightmares — of awful things like giving birth to a cat because they can be carriers of toxoplasmosis .
16 I also had high hopes of the Electricity Board , particularly as I had taken to cutting ‘ Miss ’ off my meter reading cards with scissors and it was one of those cards you are n't allowed to cut or mutilate as it upsets the computer .
17 On occasions I also added acrylic medium to the Quink to prevent any unnecessary bleeding of the line , although at times I enjoyed its non-waterproof qualities and allowed the ink to run .
18 For several days I continued my explanation , and I also described British history over the last hundred years .
19 I also found helpful Professor Smith 's further comment on Lawrence , at paragraph 41 .
20 I also found certain sections of the press grossly biased ; and when a representative of the Daily Express called at the New English Weekly office and asked for a copy of the relevant issue , I thought I might be involved in a libel action .
21 It would be appalling to have a crazy wife , but if you also felt sorry for her , how could you be expected to cope ?
22 She also wore black spiky , button-up ankle boots , a baggy black cardigan and enough stainless steel jewellery to make a dinner service .
23 She also wore large red-frame glasses , although she wore them on top of her head , as if to keep in place the shock of ginger-red red hair which she 'd rubber-banded into a pony tail down most of the length of her back .
24 She also felt confused — and not only about what he was doing here .
25 She also became involved in the work of the family endowment committee and , with Eleanor Rathbone [ q.v. ] , introduced the idea of family allowances to the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship ( as the NUWSS was renamed in 1919 ) .
26 Crouched by the window from which she had lifted the blackout curtain , she also became aware of something else , unmistakable strong , insistent : the first stirrings of the new life within her .
27 She also became anorexic later — a state from which she was rescued by an early marriage at the age of sixteen .
28 This meant she had to help patients with personal hygiene , dressing and un-dressing them , and assisting in feeding them ; she also got involved in weighing patients , taking samples and temperatures , and helping prepare patients for operations as well as making snacks and beds .
29 She also pleaded guilty to posting obscene photos to the 23-year-old star .
30 She also developed thalamic pain syndrome , a special complication in stroke when the patient has suffered really severe brain trauma .
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