Example sentences of "[pers pn] could be say " in BNC.

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1 In other ways I suppose I could be said to prosper tolerably well .
2 I could be saying that to sell the house , but I said it is .
3 He chose to spend his moments of relaxation with his political cronies , though none of them could be said to have enjoyed his full confidence .
4 The older Colonel beamed about him and Hope tried to execute yet another manoeuvre with Miss D'Arcy — to get her to conspire ( silently of course and with the finest subtlety ) with him against her guardian so that the two of them could be saying ‘ what a dear old gentleman he is ’ and use this to draw closer together .
5 In a minute from now you could be saying , I risked death .
6 you can write down these words , that would then be given you a clue things that you could be saying to your customers , where , right , if you start thinking about the job that you 're doing and I give you the word where , right you think of the number of times you can use the word where , with a customer , right
7 As parts of a whole Universe we could be said to be responsible for everything , for we are an active part of an active creation .
8 Look at the high street favourites of five years ago and ask how well they 're doing now : in the nineties we could be saying bye-bye Next and cheerio Habitat .
9 But in fifty years ' time we could be saying well did Jane pick the right one ?
10 But th then again we could be saying we sa we told you so !
11 Insofar as younger ministers believed that a Christian state should improve housing , lay drains or provide pensions , they could be said to have advocated a form of social gospel .
12 He thought they were old already in 991 ; he saw they could be said as well by a heathen as a Christian ; he thought the fierce spirit they expressed was one of the reasons for Beorhtnoth 's rash decision to let the Vikings cross the river and fight on level ground ; they had led to defeat and the death of the innocent .
13 To use the argument brought forward against the related speculation of Block ( i.e. about the tiny homunculi ) , one might at the very least want to deny that the higher and lower consciousnesses could , in any sense , be the same consciousnesses , whether or not they could be said to be in a physical part — whole relationship .
14 According to Townsend 's estimates , over half the people in Britain at some state in their lives may well experience relative deprivation to such an extent that they could be said to be ‘ in poverty ’ for those periods .
15 Nevertheless , they could be said to be implicit justifications of an almost fully formulated nature , in that they provide reasons for the existence of the monarchy and its ceremonial occasions .
16 Because palimpsest histories do precisely that , mingling realism with the supernatural and history with spiritual and philosophical reinterpretation , they could be said to float half-way between the sacred books of our various heritages , which survive on the strength of the faiths they have created , … and the endless exegesis and commentaries these sacred books create .
17 Biologically they could be said , as most tideline creatures are , to be " successful . "
18 Put together , they could be said to constitute more than the ‘ perhaps one or two opportunities ’ the discussion set out to find , but an outline strategy for reclaiming a grossly under-used source of much-needed brain-power in the boardroom : a strategy that now calls for sharpening and refining .
19 And it could be said that not only is it about imitation — it is also , as are other tours de force , itself an imitation of something .
20 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
21 That Agatha Christie 's reading was wide-ranging can not now be denied , but , even so , the source of one of Hercule Poirot 's favourite ploys — almost , it could be said , his trademark , the gathering together of the suspects at the climax of one of his investigations — is surprising .
22 In fact it could be said that our position in the rankings is declining in direct proportion to the increase in the money spent .
23 It could be said as brusquely of Iago that he is just a wrecker .
24 IT COULD be said that the Scottish appetite for golf is so healthy they would turn out to watch anybody play .
25 We saw in Chapter 7 how the enemy is ‘ homosexualized ’ , with the result that , even while homosexuals were being imprisoned and murdered by the Nazis , it could be said that to eliminate homosexuality would be to get rid of fascism .
26 An unpredictable aesthetic , it could be said , is a requirement of an historical materialism adequate to its political task .
27 It could be said that some sort of crisis was going to force itself up in the life of a strongly emotional young man who was so strictly engaged in compartmentalizing his life : a father who was never meant to know about Janie Moore ; Minto herself cut off from college ; almost all his friends kept in darkness about his emotional history , and most of them at this period unaware of his religious interests ; pupils who were discussing with him the things he cared about most — books — but in a fashion which prevented his strength of feeling breaking through .
28 I wish it could be said to be a gain to the Faculty of Theology . ’
29 In fact , it could be said that the only women these days who sport one single fragrance , all the time , are those famous glamour-pusses — Joan Collins , Elizabeth Taylor , Paloma Picasso , and so on — who are paid several millions of dollars a year to endorse a ‘ signature ’ scent , on condition they never allow gossipy fellow lunchers in smart restaurants to get an illicit whiff of ‘ Chanel No 5 ’ as they swan by .
30 But if it could be said that he did have a weakness for something , it was for Ireland and the Irish .
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