Example sentences of "[pers pn] up with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I he said , he 's an old type chemist he said just mention my name he said he perhaps fix you up with small quantities or try this other place in Wrexham he said they , chemist he said but they do wholesale work as well
2 If you do not want to actually volunteer for a specific charity but would like to offer your services generally to whoever may need them , then phone the Volunteer Co-ordinator , who will match you up with all sorts of jobs .
3 That would drive him to madness , to the place they most wanted him , the place in which it would be even more difficult to find the Key ; an institution , a hospital where they filled you up with all sorts of disgusting drugs and deliberately kept you as stupid as the rest .
4 Surely your mother did n't bring you up with such poor values .
5 ‘ What I thought , ’ says Freddie , ‘ was that we could fix you up with some kind of nominal job in the organization … ’
6 And in the morning , yeah , you have to wake up earlier they 'd bring the hosepipe and they 'd wake you up with cold water and you 'd have to have a cold shower and everything And sometimes they , they put , they 'd used I got , I got done the worse and , like , I just woke up cos I felt cold .
7 You men are so conformist in love , so provincial in imagination ; that is why we have to flatter you , to prop you up with little lies .
8 We did that and we counted it in bunches of five dozens , tied them up with two other stock socks tied together , and when we 'd done , I 'll know this figure 's right two thousand four hundred socks we got six pence .
9 And topping them up with that plangent wine
10 And that , you know , not tying them up with endless pettifogging regulations .
11 advise small businesses and link them up with private investors .
12 In addition most clubs organise a full programme of races over the season which , once you 've mastered the basics of sailing , can improve your skills very quickly by matching them up with other boats in the fleet .
13 The idea is to invite youth workers to ring up onto a party line on a certain night , giving them the theme for discussion beforehand , linking them up with other people to talk about their work .
14 The urgent challenge now is to educate worldwide , to bring the relevance of gene-pool conservation down to earth , and to harness the energy of economic forces and team them up with long-term conservation .
15 With true teen anger he latches on to the witty cynicism of the two Lenny 's , Cohen and Bruce , but fires them up with youthful vitriol .
16 Such a policy makes sense only if the administration really is prepared to carry out its threats , and even to follow them up with worse .
17 When considering the armament of your Goblins remember arming them up with light armour and fancy weapons makes them expensive for what they are .
18 He had given us the computer codes to chalk on the outside of the boxes , but you would n't have caught him packing files into the boxes or wrapping them up with pink tape afterwards .
19 Plain white tiles are the cheapest : brighten them up with coloured grouting , or mix them with other plain tiles to build up an eye-catching pattern
20 For those leaving , we believe we have offered good separation terms , and we have , in many cases , been able to back them up with independent , professional job-counselling .
21 One approach is to impose statutory reserve or cash requirements on banks and all other financial institutions , and then engage in tough open-market operations , possibly backing them up with special deposits ( again applied to all financial institutions ) .
22 A cash book should be maintained for each bank account to record every item of income and expenditure , analyse these into appropriate costs and back them up with supporting documentation .
23 But I mean of course they plugged me up with all sorts of things .
24 Jenny holds me up with one arm and shouts at him .
25 Quigley held me up with one free hand and opened the door of his car with the other .
26 I nearly fell over , he pulled me up with such a
27 On one memorable day , with Jerry and two other ‘ stalwarts ’ to back me up with moral support , I decided that a stand had to be made .
28 If they want to take it all away in the end and match me up with that slimy halfwit , why then take me up to the mountain and show me the world ?
29 ‘ You 're the fourteenth person who 's worked out I 'm staying with Lucy and phoned me up with crazy stories about Liam .
30 He was upon her instantly , lifting her up with tender clumsy care , holding her scarred head against his cheek .
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