Example sentences of "[pers pn] thought i 'll " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , I thought I 'll have this away and I slid it off the shelf and it dropped like a ton of bricks on me leg and broke me ankle .
2 So when I got older and wiser I thought I 'll give that a go and I 've enjoyed it ever since .
3 But that 's what I thought , so I thought I 'll try and be a doctor .
4 it 's terrible that , and I thought I 'll be looking forward , this is the last one you see , this is my youngest .
5 But er eventually I found out that er , er , I ca n't er work peacefully here , because if I stopped for er , fighting for the benefit of the workers then er they will think that er I have been bribed or something like this and if I keep fighting for them then there 's no peace of mind , there 's always struggle , so I thought I 'll leave , and the second was , that I wanted to bring my family into this country and I was n't saving anything while leaving them because that 's a bit expensive area and er , the person who got the job for me he said let's migrate to Yorkshire .
6 you see and I 'm glad I did n't miss it , I 'm glad I went through all what I did and , and this particular raid , you see , the siren went and they said a telegraph office read , you see , an and then I thought I 'll go to the back door and I went to the , well it was actually on the front of the station and I went to the front of the station and there was this plane swooping down like that and of course , you see , the bombs did n't fall down straight like that but they went as the plane went and they knocked down a row of houses at the end of the road .
7 I said a bit , and I never let him know , I thought I 'll wait a little bit until he go so he says to me , he says I bet you do n't know why they put the damper in just before they 'd put the , bring the ball out do you ?
8 First time he 's said anything nice about me , I thought I 'll get in while I can
9 I thought I 'll ring er , G T Motors up , that 's one not far from us , so I rang them up and I said , do you put radio cassettes in cars ?
10 Specially when the five come up , I thought I 'll put the blooming
11 Erm I thought I 'll try and save a bit of gas this month .
12 And if some , er , jus it was very thin slices of beef , topside of well I thought I 'll get some beef out , and I did it in the microwave and it cooked but it was it was quite tough .
13 So I thought I 'll take it to Iris ' and er because we 're always talking so
14 I thought I 'll put that on the walls in the bedroom .
15 I thought I 'll wait to , I sort of really , like the bathroom I want to it 's got the wallpaper starting to peel off .
16 I thought I 'll only give her half because I know she 'll get in a mess .
17 I thought to myself when it was erm , advertised on television , I thought I 'll tape that I bet I know well you 'll be interested in that .
18 Well you 've got a lot of things to do and as I say erm , I thought I 'll only go for half an hour , but I did n't really come
19 so I thought I 'll have me water on
20 I thought I 'll give him something to talk about at the garage .
21 I thought I 'll get Lianne one and hers came first .
22 So I thought I 'll have a new carpet in my hall .
23 Cos I was sort of like listening to my music and it was , I think it was about half eight , nine o'clock cos I 'd only got some homework done for ne , to do for next Tuesday , so I thought I 'll leave it
24 and he 's been and gorrit , he 's took his half and it 's going , i cos I thought I 'll come to your house and tell you in front
25 Cos I thought , I thought I 'll take it out , I finished that tape , this is a new one .
26 Cos I read these in a paper and I thought hey these are very good ones here , I thought I 'll get them , I 'll remember them .
27 That 's why I thought I 'll get the stupid things out this morning and then them , they 'll all be dried by tomorrow .
28 I thought no I thought I 'll reason I 've got a big box I thought two weeks , cracked it .
29 I never even noticed him come back cos I thought I 'll leave back door unlocked and he come in and he put me hat and me keys down there , cos I noticed
30 I thought I 'll get one down the scrap yard
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