Example sentences of "[pers pn] went into [art] " in BNC.

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1 My English travelling companion was game to try the dulse seaweed , which is a speciality in Ballycastle , so I went into a little shop on the seafront .
2 I went into a panic .
3 If I went into a club or something , I would notice other people 's clothes , and the label , even though I think it 's silly in a way , and I know they 'd notice mine .
4 Following these up , I went into a chemist 's shop , introduced myself to the tall lady assistant and said that I was a friend of her future husband 's brother .
5 I 'm one of those people who , if I went into a gym , could be making Schwarzenegger movies .
6 I went into a couple of houses — the Johnsons ' , the Peters ' — they were all in there , all dead .
7 Wondering what would happen I tried pulling up on the boom as I went into a turn .
8 Last week I went into a shop in which Andy Williams was gently exhorting the customers to have a merry , happy , lovely , beautiful , etc , etc .
9 Always used to draw my truncheon if I went into a place where I thought there was a burglar but never actually used it to hit them .
10 I went into a small room and handed my Service Pay Book to the Waaf Officer seated behind the desk , and I suppose we exchanged a few words .
11 So in a panic I went into a room , closed the door , and started screaming until I got hoarse .
12 Instinctively I went into a steep spiral dive , furiously angry that I had been beaten at my own game .
13 I went into a hall … with an enormous fireplace , marble panelling , a parquet floor , large carpets , chandeliers and luxurious furniture .
14 I went into a YWCA and got pregnant and frightened . ’
15 We changed the front brake master cylinder and spoiled the feel of the brake : if I tried to keep braking as I went into a corner , the front wheel would lock up and I would crash .
16 Why , if I went into a kitchen , I would n't know how to light a stove ! ’
17 My father died when I was quite young and at ten years of age I went into a poor old orphanage where I stayed four years .
18 I have to report , though , that it was here my own trust in the French as the most obdurately literate of all nations was dented when I went into a bookshop and asked if they had a copy of the Song of Roland .
19 To distract myself , I went into a draper 's and bought a pair of knitting needles , a large supply of soft yellow wool and some nice simple patterns .
20 I went into a steep decline .
21 I went into a full-blown eidetic trance .
22 And while I was waiting for them I I went into a little shop and For some cigarettes , and er me brother y Oh younger brother , we 'd started him up er f he was a plumber .
23 Now I went into a seminary straight from school .
24 Well I went into a timber yard er known as er , what was the timber yard again now ?
25 Time after time I stumbled over some hummock of tough grass , and once I went into a creek up to my shoulders .
26 One night I went into a petrol station to buy Pot Noodles and ended up robbing the place .
27 So then when I got back to erm er St Giles erm I was there for a month and then I went into a home for the blind and handicapped
28 I 'll tell you what , when I was in school yesterday I went into a classroom and there , hanging in a classroom , was a skeleton made out of cardboard .
29 I went into a mine ?
30 I went into a toilet and there was none and I sat down on the toilet , looked up , they were all above the door , five of them !
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