Example sentences of "[pers pn] went [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I went about the camp like a man reprieved while on his way to the chaplain and the hangman .
2 I went off the idea , ’ I said .
3 I went off the second board and I had to get out cos I felt sick .
4 I went across the clattering , windy linkage space between the dining and dome cars and stood outside the toilet room .
5 So I went across the street , phoned Peter and said , ‘ Okay , if you still want me , I 'll join . ’
6 I went across the course to the stands side to see the horses in the paddock , and then I went up to the very comfy Tribune des Dames , for which the French Racing Authorities so generously send me a badge each year .
7 He was there when I went across the yard yesterday .
8 His attorney had managed to get him to take them up again and I went to the prison to have the necessary papers signed .
9 Last time I went to the hairdresser 's I was so crippled with period pains I drank three instant g & t's on the bus .
10 I went to the smallest girl who grabbed my tail and hit me .
11 Anyway , Alison and I went to the Mar Y Sol and Tanit was n't there .
12 In a dream I went to the pictures , in Germany I think .
13 We moved in closer to the stream and , attracted by something ( though now I have no idea what ) I went to the stream edge .
14 That afternoon I went to the café at Fagurhólsmýri and bought a pair of Tuf workman boots .
15 I went to the Wicklow Gardens Festival last year and enjoyed it thoroughly ; and the welcome I received at Hunter 's Hotel makes a return visit hard to resist .
16 I went to the AA — for six months or so , as I thought — at 22 , because it was a job .
17 David and I went to the travel agency where I was working a couple of times and kept saying , ‘ What are you doing here ? ’
18 It was a couple of days later that I was alone in my flat in the evening and there was a knock on the door , I went to the door and opened it and there were about 10 people with an assortment of musical instruments — quite merry on this and that .
19 I went to the flicks — I wanted to see Some Like It Hot for about the tenth time and it was being revived at Baker Street .
20 Afterwards , to make an evening of it , I went to the railway station to buy a ticket on the next morning 's express to Stockholm .
21 In early September I went to the wedding of Geoffrey Howe 's daughter , Amanda .
22 Soon after I went to the department I introduced a policy of charging overseas patients for their medical care .
23 When I went to the DHSS I vowed to make time for a serious investigation into company pensions .
24 I went to the school in Edinburgh where Miss Jean Brodie had her prime !
25 I felt really faint so I went to the pub at the end of the road where your office is — ca n't remember its name .
26 I went to the university on the Plaza de Anaya and climbed the familiar stairway in the Palacio de Anaya .
27 Next I went to the Clerecia , where I had been sitting with Dana watching that wall-clock 's gift pendulum busily wagging away on the wall in front of the great baroque gilt altar .
28 Leaving Harry briefly I went to the dinghy and heaved it over right side up .
29 I went to the hospitality lounge for a cup of tea at about seven , and found Masha there before me . ’
30 I went to the bathroom .
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