Example sentences of "[pers pn] really [vb past] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 I really had nothing useful to say , so I responded with a sympathetic noise that only made Robin-Anne shake her head impatiently .
2 I really blew everything after Footloose , ’ he said .
3 At the start we used to copy each other and bounce off each other all the time , and I really gleaned everything I could .
4 I really wanted something better than carrots really .
5 But yesterday I really fancied something sweet .
6 You held your hand still on the page and you traced around each finger , and all the little contours of your finger joints were captured , and you would go around a few times , and each time the pencil was at a slightly different angle , so you got this aura of your hand , that was so much more accurate than you could ever draw , and all you had to do was put in the fingernails and the little wrinkles on the backs of your fingers and you really had something ?
7 I suppose you must get a thrill out of it , but if you really knew anything you 'd go to the police . ’
8 I just could n't believe you really felt anything .
9 We did n't mix — the Forces and the students — as we really had nothing in common , but it was a reassurance to see them going about their daily business , as an indication that one day we would all be able to revert to peacetime pursuits .
10 To start with these outings on the ‘ sun-deck ’ were a welcome change , but they became an increasing strain as we really had nothing to say to the guards .
11 ‘ I thought we really had something special .
12 So that 's , that 's the only time that we really had lots and lots of notes .
13 We really thought someone was going to get killed . ’
14 Well as you said last year they really wanted something for nothing , for it
15 On the other hand , if he really had anything constructive to say to her she could n't allow phantom fears to deny her the opportunity of listening to him .
16 Not when she knew that he really wanted someone else .
17 I 'm afraid Brian Deane was a bit of a liability , he really did nothing all game in the opposition box , apart from straying offside to deny Wetherall a good goal .
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