Example sentences of "[pers pn] away to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the late 1920s these cars were really in need of drastic rebuilding and from 1927 , it was possible to send them away to Hendon for this to be done properly .
2 We send them away to school — have to , living in the depths of the country .
3 They , too , had taken to helping in the hospital and Miriam could read on their pale , shocked faces some of the terrible sights they had seen ; after a little while she sent them away to bed .
4 I said that I was going to take you away to Arrancay with me — and keep you there away from all the bitterness and the lies .
5 That 's why you took the boy away from me … sent him away to sea . ’
6 Soldiers fired on Aristide 's home in the poor suburb of Plains de Cul-de-Sac , where he continued to live , killing his security chief before leading him away to army headquarters .
7 ‘ Because my fa — his father came and took him away to Hambury . ’
8 Ruth thought her aunt would have sat up all night to prolong the time with them , but her uncle — who had tried bravely all day to behave as though nothing untoward was happening — put his arms around his wife 's shoulders and led her away to bed .
9 And that fellow of Benedetta 's who helped her away to Shrewsbury when the Welsh took the town ?
10 At the age often , her talents had taken her away to Moscow where she had studied , married and made her home .
11 Up until yesterday , when the whole thing had taken shape and he had whisked her away to Rocamar , she had simply been his confidante — at least , that was how she had seen herself , and she 'd assumed that was how he saw her too .
12 He held her away to arm 's length , his kindly brown eyes sweeping her face as though searching for clues .
13 But he was smiling broadly as he held her away to arm 's length .
14 And he away to Dale in and then the the s took it on and they 've been in it since .
15 ‘ The Mayor is desperate to attract more money — not give it away to things like the US Open , which is more than able to take care of itself ’ , he said .
16 Chettle gets it away to Rozario .
17 ‘ And … and she grabbed the rope round the mule 's neck and … and led it away to safety , leaving her husband lying in the road .
18 Pearce gets it away to Oldfield well he 's scored some really spectacular goals in his career David Oldfield and he was n't far off with that shot .
19 Collimore 's given it away to Oldfield though .
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