Example sentences of "[pers pn] can often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If I have a problem I can often think of more than one way to deal with it
2 I can often discover our different species of Oaks , one from another , by their form of growth , half or a whole mile distance ; and I am sure he must be very sharp-sighted that can know them , at half that distance , by their leaves , acorns , and cups , all together .
3 In my observatory I have a 39-cm reflector , with which I can often use a power of × 600 .
4 Yet you can often recognize an adult by the way he or she walks .
5 Most insects have fairly predictable behaviour and you can often adjust sowing dates to avoid peak periods of egg-laying or migration , and deny colonising pests a favoured habitat by , for example , pinching out the soft tips of broad beans or applying a protective insecticide .
6 Remember that more English wine is sold direct from vineyards than is offered through wine merchants , and in this way you can often negotiate a better price .
7 You can often distract your child before his rage builds up to bursting point .
8 Some of this work can be achieved by machine and at Kaohsiung computerised buffers take care of the large , flat areas ( you can often spot the computer 's work on the backs of guitars , by the buffing lines which run across the body at 90 degrees to the grain ) .
9 You can often do more good at grass roots level than as a Backbench opposition MP . ’
10 So try and do that as objectively as you can , and do n't forget if you 've got a partner , do it together because we , I do get these won these reply slips back , and you can often tell who 's filled it in .
11 You can often answer these questions by closely examining an old pair of shoes to see the area of most wear .
12 You can often pick them up in second-hand bookshops .
13 As summer approaches , many stores start to expand their range of outdoor toys and , in some supermarkets , you can often pick up a paddling pool with your weekly shopping !
14 With the help of guides , technical literature and a few telephone calls you can often determine precisely which pieces of equipment you require .
15 In mathematics , you can often put the multiplication sign ( × ) in place of the word " of " .
16 You can often re-sell books and cut the original cost of purchase .
17 If you and a friend own the same game , you can often plug them together ( with the supplied cable ) and play against each other .
18 Above 1,200m you can often enjoy beautiful weather and look down on a sea of white clouds , with the occasional peak protruding through .
19 Traditionally everything is carried in baskets on the head or shoulders , and you can often see these large wicker baskets full of cabbage , potatoes , oranges , apples or whatever is in season waiting at the side of the road for transport to the market in Funchal .
20 You can often see translucent curtain formations — where water has seeped down a sloping , overhanging wall .
21 You can often see mats of them , beaded with silver bubbles of oxygen , blanketing the bottoms of ponds .
22 The sad thing is that when you see a horse that is frightened of doing things or is nasty , you can often see where its willingness to please and its trust were abused as a youngster .
23 Surrounding himself with local knowledge was a form of entrenchment ; if you dig in and stare at a hill you can often persuade yourself you know what 's going on behind it .
24 You can often use the space between the bottom of wall-hung cabinets and the counter top to put up small shelves which will take a variety of objects ; this is often a good place to stand your collection of dried herbs in small pots or jars — it keeps them together , clearly visible and to hand .
25 You can often find a colony by looking under large flat stones , planks of wood or rubble lying on the soil .
26 A good substitute might be one of those huge Victorian or Edwardian wardrobes which you can often find cheaply in second-hand shops or junk yards , because they are too big for most bedrooms .
27 But if you use the function who is responsible for doing then you can often find out who .
28 Even within the work environment you can often take a lift rather than use stairs .
29 Do n't be too influenced either by colour — you can often buy pvc liners in blue or ‘ stone ’ ( buff or beige ) , but you 're constructing a pond not a swimming pool , and mud and algae will soon hide or discolour the liner below water level , and every part that shows above can look glaringly conspicuous .
30 Their lack of routine means you can often encourage them to feed when you want them to — such as just before you set off on an outing .
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