Example sentences of "[pers pn] would get [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So I would get hold of a lot of avid church users and have them saying things like , ‘ It 's great to be involved ’ , ‘ The whole family enjoy it ’ and ‘ An hour well-spent once a week ’ .
2 For example , I would get hold of an address , go there and negotiate .
3 ‘ That wo n't be a problem , ’ I told him with bravado , though I had n't a clue how I would get hold of the balance of the cash .
4 She would get hold of Mrs Hnatiuk after church and see if she knew anything about it .
5 She returned to her car , and a passing police patrol told her not to worry as she would get priority .
6 No they get nothing , they 'd get , all they went on the dole , well they used to get , they used to get erm , say yeah well you would get welfare benefit what we call the club , you go on the club and you see used t I , my , apparently had a private club , you could have both you see you had the private club and you got so much from the government , the National Health .
7 Once again , you know , you 'd have thought in a green field construction site that you would n't get access problems and in er , a restricted area like a city centre building or er , a you would get access problems .
8 Then Elaine said , ‘ Do you remember we used to go out with Mama and buy Father 's cigars , and then go out with Father — he would take us into Newcastle and we would get Mama 's perfume .
9 That 's the economy of the motor trade , apparently Henry Ford in America had an upset and er tried to beat the banks and er had loans and he was frightened that they would get control of his business and the we were told that at Dagenham .
10 Banks made provisions of up to around 70% against total third-world loans , and assumed they would get tax relief as if they had actually lost money .
11 It had not materialised , sterner counsels had prevailed , but people had been consulted , people with files and knowledge as well as hatred , and Terence had gone to bed happy in the supposition that he would get revenge , and soon .
12 I think this is clearly Miller 's main use for the character of Alfieri and he tries to make this more realistic by making Alfieri a lawyer though I do not think that this is done very well as Alfieri does not say anything which would justify him being a lawyer as all Eddie asks him are things he would have asked anyone though perhaps he asked him because he was a ‘ lawyer ’ and he respected this and knew he would get confidentiality .
13 Within no time at all , the directly elected mayor of some industrial town or city in the north would spot that if he came along with imaginative ideas for raising standards and delivering services , he would get support , he would be the one that would claim the credit and the central government would be proud to let him have it .
14 Without a word he would get hold of it with his forceps and proceed to extract it without anaesthetic , exclaiming with great satisfaction , ‘ Via il dente , via il dolore ’ , ‘ Tooth gone , pain gone ’ .
15 And he said he did n't know that , that he would get hold of Sen and ring me first thing , thing in the morning er , to tell me why Sen has n't paid .
16 He would get autopsy details later .
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