Example sentences of "[pers pn] 's come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 She 's coming over tomorrow , as a matter of fact .
2 Oh we 've had er , there was this wait Chris rung us up , she 's coming over in April
3 she 's coming over before David
4 She 's coming over to see Joe
5 and she 's coming over to see my dad just for the day you know .
6 Says she 's coming over so what 's
7 Look , she 's coming round … ’
8 She did n't like the idea , but now she 's coming round to it .
9 Look , she 's coming round .
10 Ha ha , it 's your au — fr … parents ' friend , Janice , Gav beamed , radiating unrepentant guilt ; came round here the other day looking for you we got talking went for a curry had a few drinks ended up back here one thing led to another know how it is always liked older women they 're more experienced know what I mean arf arf anyway spent an extremely enjoyable New Year at her place apart from the usual visit to my folk 's of course oh by the way she 's coming round here tonight I 'm cooking lasagne can you swap rooms seeing Norris wo n't be back until tomorrow it 's just I did n't expect you back until then either , that okay ?
11 She 's coming round at last . ’
12 With her eyes fixed on the dog Sophie said suddenly , ‘ She 's coming round . ’
13 She 's coming round on Wednesday to see me .
14 She 's coming round , sh you know , she understands it 's for her benefit as well because the doors on the council houses they 're like that , just rotten !
15 Where he comes in and he does that piss and he 's and Madonna 's standing there looking at him like this and she 's just looking at him and she 's going , anyone who can keep it up that long and he 's just sitting there going er no he 's going er and she 's going , she 's going , and she 's coming round like that trying to look at him , I could n't stop laughing .
16 I 've got to phone , I booked our mum up to dinner , she 's coming up .
17 She 's coming up tonight , she 's getting what 's his name to look after the boys and she 's coming up
18 She 's coming up tonight , she 's getting what 's his name to look after the boys and she 's coming up
19 Umm Mummy 's , mummy ph- , oh and she 's coming up with Brian .
20 I remember Debbie bringing me home once from Bingo and he 's coming up as she 's coming up , she 's almost there too her house , and he would n't budge , he would n't back , he would n't reverse at all .
21 I du n no when she 's coming up ?
22 Yeah cos she 's coming on .
23 They always throw at you , ‘ You 're no good ’ , and they do n't give a woman any encouragement when she 's coming out .
24 She 's coming out today , I gather .
25 Well I 'll be done because I usually go for the paper Rose , quite often Harvey 's said she 's coming out along the High Street five past at five past eight on a Monday morning .
26 Yes if she 's coming out you mean you do n't , you do n't have to do it all tonight she wan might want to be talking about erm her grading a lot so you ca n't expect her to do any work until she 's got that out of her system she might want to go on for an hour or so .
27 Usually she makes rather a fuss of Tammy , Tammy 's just going out look , she 's coming in are n't you ?
28 Right she 's coming in at quarter past four
29 And she 's coming down this weekend .
30 She 's coming down to Sally and Jane .
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