Example sentences of "[pers pn] have see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have to see Dieter … we 've got a lot to talk about . ’
2 I have to see father 's lawyer this afteroon about the will .
3 However , I have seen Red-tails kept with very large Pacu , and large Hypostomus , but all the fish were purchased as juveniles , and grew up together .
4 I have seen Rottweilers retrieving game , rescuing people buried under snow , working for the army , rescuing people from the water .
5 I have seen Koi survive and thrive in the most unlikely ponds , providing their owners provide knowledgeable TLC , and I have witnessed good carp caught by anglers using rods apparently fit only to support runner beans .
6 Faldo , interviewed in Golf World magazine , blasted : ‘ I have been 16 years on tour and I can honestly think of only two times I have seen Peter Alliss on a practice ground watching me or anybody hit balls .
7 I have seen speculation about that .
8 In most cases this was slander but I have seen instances where it was not far from the truth .
9 I have seen Crilly once or twice since telling him , but our meetings were brief and stilted .
10 I have seen ACE schemes I have seen abuse of them .
11 I have seen exorcisms that have been totally unbelievable because they were either trivial or ridiculous .
12 I have seen Pamela standing amidst fair and nimble-limbed Continental women , raven-haired leggy nymphets ten years her junior , and those local platinum finger-waved blondes , well-primped and perfectly petite ; and still , they are outdone .
13 I have seen Colonel Steiner 's medical record and note that it 's only been a matter of weeks since he was gravely wounded .
14 I have seen Tzanibey so reduced . ’
15 I have seen students who were initially persuaded rather against their will , to use a computer for solving some statistical problem in psychology become addicted within a very short time .
16 I have seen Annabelle acting in school plays/ at the drama club on many occasions but today she does n't need to act , she has a starring role .
17 Seriously , over the years I have seen Annabelle develop many talents and accomplishments .
18 In his youth he seemed to he involved with many sports and I have seen evidence of his playing goalkeeper for a select Scottish hockey team — on roller-skates .
19 ‘ We are still trying to organise something with the zoo but I have seen Emma and she is lovely .
20 I have seen Jim Birkett layback up the Great Flake on Central Buttress ( Scafell ) in mist and drizzle wearing clinker nailed boots !
21 I have seen Water Board engineers using angle rods to locate a water main , presumably because it was more effective than relying on plans , which are apt to be inaccurate , and easier than trial and error .
22 In Alaska I have seen seaplanes landed on tarmac in winter 's first snow to have their skis fitted for the rest of the season .
23 I have seen choppers almost totally destroyed from a height of less than three inches , yet have seen many crashes which started at 100 feet , or more , and produced only minimal damage .
24 But I have seen Catherine 's ghost .
25 I have seen battle fleets in the Black Sea and the great war galleons of the Caspian .
26 I have seen letters in the Financial Times complaining about the dearth of bailiffs : in the repossessionary times there are not enough of them to go round .
27 I have seen males of the genus Nymphon on the shores of Britain carrying as many as six bundles of eggs , each from a different female .
28 I have seen countries where you substitute a white oppressor with a black one .
29 ‘ Where belts are fitted they must be used yet I have seen parents taking four or five children on a school run with none restrained . ’
30 I have seen queues of students , many of them learning English through ‘ self-study ’ forming outside the test centres in Beijing just in order to gain an entry form for the next sitting of the TOEFL examination .
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