Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [not/n't] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't been doing much baking lately . ’
2 I have n't been sleeping well , lately . ’
3 I have n't been very successful with my aubergines the last couple of years , as they keep being eaten by caterpillars .
4 ‘ No , ’ said Lucy , ‘ I have n't been fair to you .
5 I have n't been in the least difficult about your doing all that sewing .
6 ‘ Amanda , I have n't been sleeping well . ’
7 ‘ It 's because I have n't been winning for a while and I am desperate .
8 I have n't been to an organized campsite for perhaps fifteen years , so all this is new to me .
9 ‘ Of course I have n't been in any rackets .
10 I have n't been selling snide Rolexes for nothing , you know . ’
11 ‘ Do you think I have n't been over every inch of that argument a million times ?
12 ‘ Why do n't you tell me about it ? — Sorry I have n't been around for the last couple of days .
13 Although I have n't been making records for the last six years , I have been working behind the scenes at Artists Against Apartheid , and me the Mandela concert last month , seeing that speech go out live on the BBC to all those people , was a culmination of all that work .
14 I decided then that I did n't want to be a martyr , and since then I have n't been near a hairdresser 's .
15 ‘ She went through a lot that I have n't been through .
16 I have n't been to the boatyard yet .
17 I have n't been able to explain this to Dr Grossman , because he would n't understand , but you will understand , and I hope be happy for me .
18 It 's been a bit of a pity , really , that rugby has taken over so much that I have n't been able to continue playing football .
19 I have n't been up top for some time , ’ he said .
20 When I asked him about the Galapagos T-shirt he was wearing , he merely snapped , ‘ No , I have n't been .
21 It reminded Franca of some old happiness ; and she thought I have n't been really happy since that very first day when he said there was someone else but I was n't to worry .
22 No , do not change that lovely , almost dreamy life we had in Joh'burg — I have n't been to any real parties since I 've been here — had no fun , but even so , I have lost the desire for them .
23 ‘ And I think he may have found my jewel box upstairs , but of course I have n't been up there to see .
24 I have n't been able to get enough this Christmas to satisfy my customers ' needs .
25 I have n't been a river man all these years for nothing . ’
26 I have n't been brave enough to write to a publication of any sort before , but it is one of my favourite pieces of music , and this is the greatest performance I 've ever heard ( and I mean of anything ) , so thanks for the opportunity .
27 I have n't been down to the sea yet .
28 ‘ But Gary — I have n't been spying for you !
29 Most important was losing inches off my hips , which I have n't been able to do before … . ‘
30 It was just as well because the back boiler in the kitchen split in two about fifteen years ago and I have n't been able to light a fire in the grate since .
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