Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I have been over enthusiastic about this project , but there was something about the schools I visited , and I am no stranger to African primary schools , which seemed to me to provide a recipe for steady progress .
2 I have been over her story several times and she is quite positive that she saw Monsieur Erdle walking towards the belvedere at about half past nine , although she is unable to state the precise hour .
3 Look , Rory , I 've been wrong about a lot of things in my life , but never more than I have been about you , right from the start .
4 No , I do n't want to do it but I mean I 'm not I 'm certainly happier than I have been about it if
5 Two hours later I am mentioning to Tony that I have been to Tromsø airport more times than I have to Gatwick .
6 I have been to every Metropolitan police station , from Islington in the north to Bow Street in the west .
7 As Reyburn observes : ‘ Sensitive females know it is no good announcing ‘ Excuse me a minute , I 'll see if the scones are done ’ merely to have the sound of the flushing toilet proclaim to everybody in the house , ‘ I have been to the loo ’ . ’
8 I have been to Shetland in various capacities .
9 I have been to Kinghorn Manor , ’ Corbett continued .
10 I have been to funerals in Baldersdale where bereaved people have shown supreme faith , being convinced that death is only a temporary thing and that they would meet up with their loved ones again .
11 I have been to Amsterdam , Bruges , Madrid , Prague , Moscow , Kiev , and several American cities this way .
12 I have been to Peter Robinson 's , ’ she said .
13 I have been to both places and can assure you , there is a great difference .
14 Every time I have been to the Jobcentre it 's been a waste of time .
15 ‘ It is part of the expectation of the President that I should be available to represent the Church , so I have been to Strasbourg to the European Parliament and also on visits to the churches in Nigeria and Kenya .
16 Manipulation occurs when the attempt to influence events and the objectives of that attempt are both concealed ; for example , filtering important information deliberately , conveying false information , claiming expertise when none exists ( ‘ I have been to Brazil and it wo n't work in that culture ’ ) .
17 It is the only castle I have been to which has a front doorbell , which you need to pull on if you want to see round since it is not automatically open to visitors .
18 But I have been to the cirque in early June and in October , and found it almost deserted , so it is not too hard to pick your moment .
19 I have been to hell . ’
20 I have been to school , ’ said Camille .
21 One of the happiest parties I have been to for a long while was the one at Claridge 's given by Mr and Mrs John Newman , to celebrate the marriage of their daughter Miss Henrietta Newman to the Earl of Caledon , son of the late Earl of Caledon and the late Mrs Denis Alexander .
22 None of my friends have children and all the mother-and-toddler groups I have been to are full of older mums .
23 I have been to the Over-Sixties Club where they have some very good concerts and I go to services at Cotherstone Methodist Chapel whenever I can .
24 I have been to enough ecclesiastical congresses which have claimed that the voice of the Holy Spirit lay behind the votes of the big battalions to be sickened by it .
25 I have been to .
26 It was the first multi-cultural CPRW meeting I have been to — most refreshing !
27 I have been to the Holy Land twice this year and have seen the appalling conditions Palestinians are living under .
28 I have been to a large number of conferences and met many general practitioners , including many from my hon. Friend 's district .
29 I have been to the Benefits Agency in my constituency , where the manager and staff made it plain to me that if staff were concerned about their safety they would not wear a name badge — but most of them want to because they want to be able to be identified by the public , so that if someone rings up a week later he can identify the person to whom he spoke a week before .
30 I have been to many throughout the country .
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