Example sentences of "[pers pn] she [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 she said she wanted her jeans ironed and I er pressed them and then when I she came downstairs in her black trousers and
2 and I said and I was hesitating and I said I 'm sorry I said I feel a bit embarrassed he said for what reason and old Rose was with me well at door she said she knows me she said well she said if it will interest you what if I never .
3 One girl told me she had even thought family planning clinics were where a woman went with her husband and children to plan their future together .
4 When asked what the problem was , her friends told me she had just been assigned to teach in a distant , rural middle school .
5 Having seen me she had also seen that I was alone , and watching me from cover as she undoubtedly was , she would assume I was going to the pool to drink as she had done .
6 ‘ And she told me she had n't got a boy-friend ! ’ said Bella .
7 Whenever I said thank you , she told me she had n't done anything .
8 I do n't know if this was true , but she told me she had only slept with the man once .
9 I might have added that Masha once told me she did n't know what women saw in her two ageing friends .
10 ‘ As I said before , Elsie told me she did n't … ’
11 If you ask me she did n't give a monkey 's about the shopping complex or the money .
12 MAX : But she told me she did n't take a thing ?
13 But I think she was like me she did n't really want to get rid of her baby .
14 Nicola told me she did n't want one .
15 Even though she once told me she did n't really care much for men , she said it was fun to see the way they reacted to her .
16 She told me she did n't eat lunch any more as it had become a bourgeois meal , but I could call in for a cup of de-caff and con her into whatever it was I wanted .
17 ‘ Yes , though afterwards she told me she did n't think he was right for you and she 'd never reckoned Celeste was right for me .
18 Mother never stopped telling me she did n't care for the lax morals that had become so fashionable since the outbreak of the war .
19 Er well not to me she did n't .
20 On catching sight of me she threw up her head , and as I was not looking in her direction she stood stock still , as these animals have a habit of doing when they are under the impression that they have not been seen .
21 They were smiling and when Mrs Smith saw me she called out cheerily .
22 As he bent to get them she stretched out her leg beside him , smooth and wet-white bare , a shabby pink mule dangling from the toes .
23 And he seemed sincere enough now , his piece of paper held ready in his hands , and so with the safety of the newsdesk between them she reached across and took it .
24 While she watched them she planned how to deal with Oliver .
25 At the sight of them she sprang forward and offered to get them a cup of coffee .
26 Now that they had left Naples way behind them she felt increasingly less secure .
27 As she reached them she glanced back at the hire car , knowing that she could n't leave it there for long .
28 She did not tell them she had never had a job , had been supported by a husband she had left .
29 The family called him when Clare started to complain of chest pains in the late afternoon but he did n't come out ; told them she 'd just strained something ; rest and painkillers .
30 Ben waved to the child , and when she approached them she exclaimed loudly while looking at Aggie , ‘ Oh , you are dressed !
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