Example sentences of "[pers pn] had been under " in BNC.

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1 I had been under the impression that Smith 's did n't stock SR at all , so well did they hide it .
2 Although I had been under no real illusions that an amazing secret would suddenly be revealed , I was nevertheless disappointed that my theories had proved to be groundless .
3 The thought hammered in my brain that I had been under the impression that I was fit .
4 She had always believed there would be someone special — for a while she had been under the illusion that that someone was Marcus .
5 ‘ Tommy told us that she had been under the water and he had to do something to save her .
6 I could not in the court of law swear that you had been under my observations the whole time we were making the ascent . ’
7 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
8 When Aziru sent his Khabiris against us , finally , we had been under siege for three years .
9 Hounslow councillors say they had been under the impression that relations between them and the police were slowly improving , although Mr Wetzel and John Connolly , the influential chair of housing , continue to boycott the statutory police consultative group .
10 The rather frayed drapes , either side of the tall windows , had a silky sheen in the soft lamplight , the scratched furniture and the threadbare state of the rugs no longer as visible as they had been under the brilliant glare of the harsh overhead light .
11 The partly suspended sentence of imprisonment had been omitted from the Bill which had passed through all its stages in the Lords , although it had been under consideration by the ACPS .
12 Its autonomy was , however , short-lived , and although it was probably no less active than it had been under Henry VII , Wolsey 's domineering conduct thrust it into subservience .
13 The Jewish community continued to be led by the Chief Rabbi , as it had been under the Byzantine emperors .
14 The French monarchy under Louis XVI was by contrast in many ways a shadow of what it had been under Louis XIV .
15 Nigeria thus became an administered rather than a political society , just as it had been under colonialism .
16 Yet it would seem that Lenin well understood the kind of mediation that would be required between bureaucracy and the working class and that this is shown by his emphasis on the need to prevent the bureaucracy emerging under socialism as the privileged social stratum it had been under capitalism .
17 In 613 the kingdom was reunited , as it had been under the previous Chlothar in 558 .
18 Smooth and firm it had been under her own nervous touch , and she watched Miguel 's muscles , catching the sunlight as he dismounted and reached up to help her .
19 The green staff worked miracles to get the course fit for play after it had been under water from Thursday night 's storms .
20 He had been under the erroneous impression that Europe was just one big common market , similar in size to the United States , operating under free trade concepts , and with common laws , rules and regulations .
21 He liked to give the impression he had been under fire — of a sort .
22 This reticence extended even to the making of protests which was why , despite his feeble objections — he had been under no compulsion to go — he had been dragooned into the Navy in the first place .
23 He had been under pressure to water down the doctrine of collegiality .
24 He had been under pressure from Edward III to do so for some time , but he seems also to have feared that Charles V 's forces , which were advancing into the duchy , might revive the rivalries of the civil war period .
25 It was obvious that he had been under house arrest at some point in his life . ’
26 It did not disturb him that he had been under observation ; he was not accustomed to deprecate what he was , or to undervalue it .
27 He had been under attack from right-wing politicians for some time , in particular for signing an appeal by a wide range of opposition forces calling for greater democracy in Hungary .
28 But to her amazement he did nothing of the kind , but , shaking his head as if he had been under some kind of stress , ‘ I did n't think I could have got your innocence so completely wrong , ’ he stated gruffly .
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