Example sentences of "[pers pn] had been of " in BNC.

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1 If I had been of the view , which I am not , that it was open to the rule making authority , whether by accident or design , in any way to remove powers which the Act has given to the court , I should still have been of opinion that the judge had the powers which he clearly wished to have .
2 Since he had a lady so much more deserving than myself , I could have wished I had been of his sex and then there never would have been a more perfect friendship .
3 Mary Rose was a kind and simple woman , in awe of her husband , as she had been of her father , as she was of her parish priest .
4 Helen , who had been so calm during the night , was now cold and shaking with delayed shock , and Anne told her how glad she had been of her company .
5 It had been a deep and tub-like pram , and they had used it to convey her from place to place long after she had been of an age to be confined in such a vehicle .
6 Encouraged by the pride of the town authorities , the Guy Fawkes celebrations provided an annual explosion for the town 's poor : deprived as they had been of saints ' days with the advent of Puritanism , they came from the miserable hovels cramped in the town 's back alleys to protest not only against the symbols of oppression but also , in bad years , against the local oligarchy .
7 The audience were no surer of this than they had been of the song .
8 Compulsory ‘ liberal studies ’ was , however , not to remain a distinctive feature of CNAA degrees as they had been of the Diploma in Technology .
9 Neither of them was able to identify any they came away they did not feel they had been of much help .
10 This was largely but not exclusively an obsession of Congregationalists , much as it had been of mediaeval bishops .
11 It had been of considerable importance to the development of the District 's confidence and reputation in East Anglia in the early twenties .
12 It had been of course her suggestion that Mark 's pastoral visit should be no longer delayed .
13 It was cooler tonight than it had been of late , besides which she no longer dared to sleep in her underwear , and she pulled on a shortie nightshirt , a farewell present from her brothers .
14 ‘ If my memory serves me correct , it was you who declared that it had been of no consequence and to wipe it out , ’ he said , the adoring fiancé replaced by an aloof accuser .
15 But the surgery on Monday morning was not as busy as it had been of late .
16 Like many graduates stimulated by their experiences , he discovered that although he had been of sufficient calibre to acquire the offer of the scholarship in the first place , he now faced the inevitable service obsession with a rejection of academic prowess in preference for ‘ practical skills in the real world ’ ( ibid. 157 ) :
17 He had proved himself in battle ; he had been of service .
18 I know that you came only to honour dear Crabb , at a small informal party , because he had been of assistance to your illustrious father , and valued his work at a time when it meant a great deal to him .
19 How fond he had been of darling Mou-Mou … it broke Mummy 's heart to have her put down , but it was the kindest thing to do … .
20 Lately , he had been of a mind to trace his son Arnold Thomas , but until such a day as he might be fortunate in that respect , he had no one except the lily-livered David .
21 erm Also while she still lived , he had been of course inhibited from putting down on paper very much of a novel which , now largely formed in his mind , and in which sexual abnormality would play erm at least a considerable part .
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