Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [been] with " in BNC.

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1 He said , ‘ I had been with her for three years , in love .
2 I had been with both of them twice that week and they never seemed any different from the way they always were .
3 Indeed , because I had been with giants for so long , I had forgotten that my countrymen were as small as me .
4 I had been with Jamie in the pub , then with him and the girl outside , then alone when I was running , and then with Jamie and later him and his mother , then I walked home almost sober .
5 After she had been with us a fortnight we told her , as gently as we could , that she was never going back …
6 Unlike Pete he smelled nice — Sally thought it was Old Spice — and when he pressed his hips against hers she was excited by the sensations it aroused , not revolted as she had been with the Teddy Boy at the youth club dance .
7 In all the time she had been with her Paula had never seen her so angry .
8 She had been with the ‘ pomps since then .
9 If her brothers even suspected that she had been with a boy , all hell would break loose .
10 None of them knew that she had been with the FBI for two years , where she had specialized in the use of firearms , before joining UNACO three years ago .
11 Had seen , through the camera 's hidden eye , how fascinated she had been with the saddle .
12 I had a son , and my mother was delighted , as she had been with her own son .
13 All she wanted to do was yield to it , because it was what she had wanted for the whole time she had been with him .
14 She got a very nice reference from the surgeon she had been with and so is most grateful to me for organising it .
15 She closed her book ; her papa had given it to her before she left for England and she blushed a little on remembering how short she had been with him when he had handed it over to her .
16 She had been with fitzAlan and —
17 Agnes , tanned , huge , all beads and bright caftan , determined to give birth in the lotus position ( in which she claimed the child had been conceived ) while going ‘ Om ’ , refused to answer any of my father 's questions about where she had been for the three years and who she had been with .
18 I was a virgin when we married , but I know that she had been with other men before me .
19 Today , too ; how I wished you had been with me at the concert .
20 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
21 All of the sample of Rowdies were able to plot very accurately where they had stood on the terraces over the last few years , who they had been with , and where they expected to be in the future .
22 She thought how rough they had been with each other , how savage almost , sometimes in an odd way wanting to be done so that they could begin all over again .
23 Certainly Churchill and Eden found that their dealings with Eisenhower and Dulles were no easier than they had been with the Democrats : in fact they often thought them worse .
24 The magic was every bit as exciting the second time around as it had been with William .
25 It had been with him a long time , long before McLuhanism had arrived to make a lot of people cry into their beer at El Vino 's and go haring after every tin-pot producer in the business .
26 It had been with shame and some irritation that he had recognized in himself for the first time the nagging of jealousy .
27 It had been with supreme effort that he had controlled his temper .
28 He could hardly have been welcome , because when he had entered the senior police officer 's room it had been with two aides trying to keep him out by every manoeuvre other than manhandling him .
29 This was having something in common with your lover , she thought , remembering the way it had been with Mike , who was interested only in banking and golf and what he called making a home for one 's family .
30 When , a year later , with paintings such as Man with Violin , Braque 's Cubism reached a second climax of complexity and became also highly difficult to read or interpret , one senses that it was not owing to the excitement of working with a new , more abstract technique as it had been with Picasso , but because his interest in elaborately breaking up the picture surface so as to analyse the relationships between the objects and the space surrounding them , slowly and inevitably led him to this kind of painting .
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