Example sentences of "[pers pn] not be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In working through it I noticed an error in Step 7 but I not been able to correct it .
2 Why should I not be proud .
3 A world of cruel greed , rape , nuclear war , phallocentric control , where women are pushed to the sidelines , how can I not be afraid of you ?
4 But why should I not be secretive ?
5 Even letting you you 've all talked about the you know employers are paying money in and so on , we do n't want the schemes wound up , er if I was the the employer , might I not be concerned if you elected a a chairman that was n't erm favourable to me ?
6 I not being cheeky .
7 I not being rude .
8 There is no question of me not being involved in a United deal .
9 ‘ This situation has meant me not being able to get the sort of access to my daughter I want because the fact that the interdict is still in place has been used to prevent me from getting increased access . ’
10 he makes jokes about me not being able to talk but I ai n't been able to talk
11 and me not being able to say the word basically
12 Let me not be prim , she thought , let me be sensible , a woman of the world , let me not be unfair .
13 Let me not be prim , she thought , let me be sensible , a woman of the world , let me not be unfair .
14 Oh , God , let me not be mad .
15 Let me not be mad , she thought , in the street outside the public house .
16 They analysed it and found that it was mud , a piece of clay , y'know , but them not being all-forgiving , they suspected that I was using drugs , y'know , so they kicked me out of home and I went to live with my grandmother and then I had more freedom there to do as I pleased and hence started going to pop festivals and things and enjoying them and getting off on them and mixing with that whole subculture if you like .
17 Had she not been nervous , Lydia would have been angry , for she had realised that she was , herself , a domestic beast penned in against the night in a frightening little box of night that was all her own , vulnerable to destruction by the very bounds of its definition .
18 She was a pretty woman and would have had a good figure had she not been pregnant .
19 Have you not been well Jo ?
20 All your enthusiasm vanishes ; not only have you not been able to ‘ do ’ it , but you are now convinced you are not cut out for mathematics teaching at all and none of your pupils could produce anything like that .
21 Would you not be better throwing some of , you 've read them ?
22 ‘ How can you not be normal ?
23 Would you not be happier if you tried to forget her severity , together with the passionate emotions if excited ?
24 Should you not be able to attend there will be informal discussions with Parish Councils and other groups in the following weeks which will further help the passage of information .
25 Er not if you stitch it properly , get it through the loops , do n't , just cast off slack and stitch them together , you not , you not be able to tell
26 Why would you not be afraid to mow the field ?
27 ‘ It 's rather difficult you not being one of my regular patients , but since your daughter is , I 'm stretching a point .
28 Instead of an obsession with Germany 's position , should we not be obsessed with what is happening in Croatia , where one in eight of the population has been displaced , we have provided only £77,000 in humanitarian aid and the people are being pounded into the ground ?
29 Why should we not be nice ?
30 H each of the rock strata had their own ‘ morphogenetic field ’ , to use Sheldrake 's term , or ‘ landscape deva ’ , to use different terminology , might we not be able to detect these as different ‘ psychic atmospheres ’ ?
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