Example sentences of "[pers pn] not [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not only did I not want surgery or drugs , but I hoped that in refusing them I would not be offending my surgeon !
2 But since I can never have Fergus , not ever , why should I not have Raynor ?
3 ‘ Will ye not tell mammy ? ’ she ran a hand through his soft hair .
4 Did they not Did you not tie rope over them or something ?
5 ‘ Did you not take action ? ’
6 Will you not lose money by doing that ?
7 ‘ Why do you not need protection ? ’
8 Cameron began to wonder if Mr Menzies was identifying himself with Job , and when he ended ringingly on ‘ Shall we receive good at the hand of God , and shall we not receive evil ? ’ , the suspicion was confirmed .
9 Why can we not have achievement rises as management teams do .
10 Not that I mean it to be a breathless race , but rather that I somehow do n't see life in an ordinary manner , not even this sere and monotonous existence in Africa ; granted , it browns me off sometimes , but I do pretty well on the whole ; and if I can still enjoy this incredibly austere and disciplined life , how much more shall we not enjoy life together ?
11 Students are also able to extend their course to take extra credits should they not meet degree requirements within the standard three or four years , again by returning part-time .
12 Why did they not give tea parties for their own men ( if they were able to find any ) ?
13 If the present article can not answer every question raised by Carse , it will answer this one : ‘ did they [ at the Opéra ] or did they not beat time with a baton throughout the whole opera ? ’ ( p.311 ) .
14 As museums keep asking for more public money , should they not heed public opinion , which is that works of art exist to be seen and should not be stashed away in cellars but should be got up and out and on view ?
15 Not only does it not create metal filings and a sharp burr on the outside of the pipe ( as does a hacksaw ) , but it also gives a neat square finish to the end of the pipe .
16 And it takes the stains out of no , can it not get paint stains ?
17 If it were imposed on a narrow range of products , would it not encourage substitution ( from plastics to glass , for instance ) ?
18 All accomplished — does it not seem plain ? — to bring her finally where she now rests .
19 Does it not presuppose man 's progress from primitive to sophisticated ways of life , and does it not suggest on the basis of a progressive increase of ahi sā a movement from a less good to a better form of life ?
20 For does it not define Brummagem — the dialect name for Birmingham — as an adjective meaning counterfeit , cheap and showy ?
21 Does he not share part of the responsibility for the Government 's failure to allocate more resources to deal with asylum applications at least four year ago when the problem first arose ?
22 Why did he not ask help , have his wounds bandaged ?
23 Why will he not accept responsibility for the rise in telecommunication charges above inflation during the 13 years of the Government 's misrule ?
24 Why does he not take note of that widespread feeling ?
25 ‘ You , like myself , my lord , are in but your thirteenth year — pray let us not give thought to death ! ’
26 Let us not lose hold on the essential proposition that the machine is indeterministic .
27 Health promotion has , rightly , moved away from the traditional approach , but let us not dismiss health education fully until it has been properly implemented , let alone evaluated .
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