Example sentences of "[pers pn] not [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He is so deep in his books he would forget to eat , I declare , did I not remind him . ’
2 I would have left had I not seen he was wearing something I had n't seen on him before , and had to ask him about it , certain I knew what the answer would be .
3 Can I not pick him up ? ’
4 On the day I moved in my Mother had warned me not to let him rule my life like he 'd ruled my Father 's , but it never occurred to me to disobey him and seemed natural to follow the ‘ week planner ’ he 'd written out and pinned to the notice-board in the kitchen : Monday — Washing Tuesday — Ironing Wednesday — Youth Club etc .
5 Victoria said , ‘ And why he asked me not to call him uncle in front of you because it made him sound old ! ’
6 All based on a perfect understanding between the wickets — and him not telling me what to do and me not telling him .
7 ‘ Josh told me not to disturb him .
8 a boys ' school and the headmaster there advised me not to put him there , he said send him to Newport Grammar school it 's the best school in Essex , best grammar school in Essex and he said that my two boys go there
9 He asked me not to misquote him .
10 ‘ If I ever have a man , remind me not to introduce him to you . ’
11 But he had advised them not to contact him when they arrived in Bucharest .
12 Graham felt oddly satisfied at seeing life go on around him like this ; he felt almost smug at walking past people and them not giving him a second glance , at least not now he 'd got rid of Slater .
13 But he agreed not to complain about her market-minded vision of the Community and she not to bully him about France 's half-in , half-out position in NATO .
14 He could well have returned late at night and she not heard him , though she had stayed awake for a long time , listening for the sound of the horses , the carriage wheels on the drive .
15 frank dropped his hands and would have fallen , had she not steadied him and guided his fingers back to the bandage .
16 Would she not send him hers , her mother wanted to know ?
17 Your Mum is is really being foolish though with that dog she 's got problems already he 's wanting a chew and she 's give him one she not give him one to him , I have n't tried him with one yet she said she actually
18 Oh , why had she not told him who she was straight away ?
19 ‘ Did you not press him ?
20 and I ca n't see the two people involved being able to stomach that very easily because questions like why did you not ask for counselling at the time or you were in charge and why did you not ensure he had any adequate
21 ‘ I was to blame for ordering you not to harm him .
22 Well he does to me , and I 'll thank you not to call him a bastard ! ’
23 Have you not seen him ?
24 And were you not recognizing him ? ’
25 ‘ Did you not tell him about the Englishman ? ’
26 ‘ Why do you not join him ? ’
27 " Why did you not keep him ? "
28 If there 's no room on your mantelpiece , could you not put him on a stick for a scarecrow ?
29 Could you not persuade him to return to a country in which there is so much more room ? ’
30 And , Egbert , ’ thinking back , ‘ do you not remember he mentioned the bitterness of atropine .
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