Example sentences of "[pers pn] are [prep] my " in BNC.

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1 The half of them are on my rent-roll anyway . ’
2 Though most of them are to my boring straight tastes profoundly unerotic , the process is interesting none the less and I have a new hero : the Earl of Rochester .
3 You are under my orders now .
4 And so , as long as you are under my protection — ’
5 Do n't be fooled if you are on my side of the generation gap .
6 BELVILLE : Now you are on my side I will leave you .
7 But you come and try saying how stressed you are in my school and see how long you last .
8 You are in my capable hands .
9 You are in my prayers and thoughts ,
10 ‘ — and that you are in my debt .
11 Besides , my grandmother will expect a lessening of formality , while you are in my home . ’
12 You are in my home , cara .
13 ‘ As I was about to say , this situation can not be allowed to continue , trespassing as we are on my wife 's time and goodwill .
14 No , I mean I know him , very well , I work with hi I work with his mother and his his mum and him are in my teams .
15 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
16 Erm , so , if they are on my door .
17 it follows from this that ‘ it is characteristic of all unproductive labourers that they are at my command … only to the same extent as I exploit productive labourers … however , my power to employ productive labourers by no means grows in the same proportion as I employ unproductive labourers , but on the contrary diminishes in the same proportion . ’
18 They are to my mind just the kind of material to satisfy the curiosity and thirst for knowledge of a young inquiring mind , with the dozens of just-right illustrations complementing the words perfectly .
19 They are for my bride , whether she 's a great lady or a governess . ’
20 I can only talk to other computers when they are within my range .
21 But , as long as they are in my hands , I can not bring myself to destroy any more , or anything written by you .
22 They are in my other houses . ’
23 They have taken this position not because they are resistant to change , but because they believe that these proposals will politicise the British Police Service and they are in my view entirely right to have that view .
24 With equal decorum she replied , ‘ Oh no , mine are in my handbag . ’
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