Example sentences of "[pers pn] that i be " in BNC.

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1 How do you know , how do I that I am a Christian ?
2 I have to say , that the the year wo I that I 'm reporting on now , nineteen ninety , ninety-one was actually better than we had originally planned and expected , and in fact , that we did eliminate the deficit in that year .
3 I know beyond question that I am Oedipus and he is I. I should make it clear that I hold no truck with the theory of reincarnation ; it is just as clear to me that I am Marie Romanov , whose life overlapped with mine .
4 We are a whole and this is the me that I am now writing about .
5 It does n't actually have to tell me that I am ‘ earthed ’ but it does remind me that I am .
6 It does n't actually have to tell me that I am ‘ earthed ’ but it does remind me that I am .
7 One more time my skin warms against his and reminds me that I am this person , not generic , wife of nothing .
8 As he wrote in his Harvard Class Report in this year , " I like very simple and humane kinds of practical joke , which reminds me that I am also , at the moment , a Church Warden " .
9 It confirms to me that I am far from the northern climates , the habitat of the Brussels sprout , where something sickly was spreading over my relationship with Victoria — just like the smell of overcooked vegetables .
10 The lease runs out in two months time but the landlord has told me that I am not entitled to a new one because the lease is an excluded one .
11 ‘ I have asked Uncle Orrin to tell everyone who calls for me that I am not ‘ at home ’ .
12 My lungs suddenly come sharply through from behind my engaged brain , reminding me that I am not a fish .
13 It seems to me that I am exactly the sort of person that you need , that you should cultivate me , prime me , pay me , even .
14 When I am down in States l or 2 it seems to me that I am always there , with all the flags hanging limp and absolutely still , and not a breath of air moving .
15 I am being set up in the ward and it occurs to me that I am feeling fine .
16 ‘ It 's well known of me that I am not subject to shame .
17 It was n't until the final two weeks of term that it really hit me that I was actually going to have to go .
18 My mother came up to London the very next day and told me that I was never to go home again , I was never to contact Sarah again and , above all , I was never , ever to see John again .
19 He started telling me that I was an emotional cretin and to improve I 'd have to pay them a load of money to get into their reading room — at £10 an hour .
20 I hardly knew how I was able to face it , either then or at any other time of my life in this mocking world , but I did , though it did not seem to me that I was in any way heroic — just the opposite , in fact .
21 When I did eventually tell her she was really embarrassed , and tried telling me that I was making it up !
22 She was screaming at me that I was going to prison , ’ said Falati .
23 It decided me that I was n't going to be good enough to make the grade .
24 As I was giving this description it came to me that I was talking about someone else .
25 ‘ Each abuse reminded me that I was worthless and throughout my life events have told me that this was so . ’
26 My daughter told me that I was chrome yellow , and a glance in the mirror proved her right .
27 Each time I had tried to discharge myself from his surgery , he had reassured me that I was not shamming , there really was something wrong with me .
28 Six months later my grandmother told me that I was going to join my parents and that she , too , was emigrating .
29 At Gateshead Frank informed me that I was going to run in the B relay team at the meeting , and I refused .
30 I knew perfectly well when I allowed Karen Parsons to seduce me that I was not acting rightly .
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