Example sentences of "[pers pn] that i should " in BNC.

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1 In the bustle of adapting to the new life of an MP at Westminster , it had occurred to me that I should look further at pensions .
2 Many people in the black community , people that I had thought of as friends , said to me that I should not have worn the flag that night .
3 The clergy were very supportive and Bishop Brunner persuaded me that I should extend the membership of the Guild so that it was more Diocesan oriented .
4 Then a guy in Denver called up and told me that I should go to a plumbing supply place and try a piece of pipe , because that way you can find one that fits your finger , and I 've been using the same slide ever since 1967 , I believe . ’
5 Once when I was at school he told me that I should spend the entire summer working on improving my passing off my left hand and my kicking off my left foot .
6 ‘ My instincts told me that I should be aware of him and everything he did .
7 It was a perpetual anxiety with me that I should turn up at school wearing a dress that had been sold to that same shop by one of my fellow-pupils .
8 On Tuesday , the day before the funeral , Alan reminded me that I should check with the crematorium organist that he would play the music I had requested , which was Prokofiev 's Winter Bonfire .
9 The American authorities told me that I should make a general election law and arrange that the Korean people rule themselves .
10 ‘ I knew J B Priestley a bit and he once suggested to me that I should do what he did in the Thirties , which was to take a trip around Britain talking to people .
11 Dr Maxwell had assured me that I should n't be troubled by any more sickness .
12 She said , ‘ I think you 're trying to tell me that I should remember something of this . ’
13 All that happened at Bourani was in the nature of a private masque ; and no doubt the passage was a hint to me that I should , both out of politeness and for my own pleasure , not poke my nose behind the scenes .
14 He informed me that I should marry Victor Cousin .
15 He told me that I should take off my David Moggan — unless I was crazy .
16 It occurred to me that I should perhaps wait for my daughter Sophie outside her school , to make sure she understood that I had not abandoned her , had merely left Lou for a man who loved me and would make me happy ; that things would presently calm down , and as soon as Hugo and I had sorted things out a little and established our new home she could join us .
17 You 're always telling me that I should have got a job on the railways .
18 His widow , Margaret , said : ‘ Alfred told me that I should carry on with the case if he died , and that is exactly what I will do . ’
19 ‘ They told me that I should have put my whip down and tried to stop my horse from hanging . ’
20 The school authorities were unsympathetic : the dinner ladies would only accept you into the school to see the nurse if you were on the point of death , + my teacher kindly informed me that I should n't have been running in the playground .
21 Oh , do n't tell me that I should n't have this !
22 I was hoping to miss that one , because you might be trying to persuade me that I should erm , partake rather more of healthier food , than of the unhealthy food that I do eat .
23 ‘ I have that to tell you that I should have told before this , since it has to do with the issue that is now in dispute among all here .
24 ‘ Does it matter to you that I should be convinced ? ’
25 Does it confuse you that I should do the talking and you the listening ?
26 But was n't he still taking rather a chance , if it was all that important to him that I should n't survive ?
27 " But , Granny , how likely is it that I should find the keys , if all her people are out already hunting for them ? "
28 I knew as I was doing it that I should n't be following them , through the snake-laced paths to the river in the moonlight , to the broken house with the pigeon tower : that shame would be the result — my shame , for I cared nothing what their feelings might be .
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