Example sentences of "[pers pn] that in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Do tell me , believe me that in me you have the best audience of your life , you will never find as good an audience as me . "
2 Hierarchy in Asian joint families depends on age and sex but the Sikh women I spoke to all told me that in their families the disciplinarians and rulers were always men .
3 Do not bother to write and tell me that in their culture etc , as that is really not good enough .
4 How much more pleasing to the eye and the higher senses were the gleaming unbroached jars in the pantry , and how I suddenly hated the men who had assured me that in their attentions lay my fulfilment .
5 Now I have changed my mind : Small convinced me that in his case there was no alternative .
6 Fleischmann told me that in his opinion Jones should have declared his interest to Gajewski more explicitly , not merely that he was interested in the problem , and should have informed Gajewski of his results at that time so that there would be no ambiguity about claims for priority .
7 But he tempered the apprehensiveness with a shrug-of-the-shoulders-and-oh-what-the-hell attitude which told me that in his view the experience , and not the heroics of the impression he might create , was what mattered , was what he would enjoy , was what he had come for .
8 I have never forgotten that near the end of his life my Father told me that in his loneliness Basil was the one of his five children who had given him most sympathy and understanding .
9 A former male compositor , apprenticed between the wars , told me that in his school , near Nelson 's printworks in Parkside , the foreman used to come to the top class every year and recruit " the brightest boys " .
10 And it seems to me that in his written work likewise , he tends to rely rather heavily upon this remarkable dexterity .
11 He told me that in my back bedroom was a sensational sports story of sex , drugs and liniment .
12 And when I told them that in my country there were millions just like me , they did not believe me , but just smiled .
13 Ferry himself would probably tell you that in it 's search for perfection , the motor industry has taken from the driver and given to the machine .
14 I assure you that in my professional capacity I come across many jurors who are both indigenous Britons , and quite advanced in years , who do not fit into the ‘ long tradition of honesty and fair-mindedness ’ .
15 But I would like to say to you that in my view , and in the view of the organisation I represent , Phoenix Trust , by and large the time is long past for analysis .
16 ‘ As I 'm supposed to be helping you with Ana , ’ she said quietly , ‘ I should perhaps tell you that in my opinion Mitch is falling in love with her . ’
17 ‘ In that case I can tell you that in my humble opinion this place is the meanest , tightest little arsehole in the entire fucking country .
18 It seemed to him that in her gentle gaze there was more than a hint of despair , and it grieved him .
19 When they arrived , the Chinese had to inform him that in his absence he had been deposed by a military coup in Ghana .
20 The inspector advised him that in his opinion he had a drink problem and should do something about it .
21 A youth tried to sell me a Socialist Worker and seemed confused when I told him that in my experience the words were diametrically opposed .
22 Not long after we met , I remember telling him that in my opinion his only fault was that he was too predictable , that , although no doubt perverse , I enjoyed being kept guessing a bit more often .
23 I vividly remember , although I was in a thoroughly sleepy condition , telling him that in my view the only proper justification for an enquiry about Mr Profumo 's personal life depended on the possibility that some act of his might have compromised security , because he obviously had information which was secret .
24 I told him that in my opinion he was suffering from valvular disease and that there was probably considerable dilation .
25 Many people can , can remember it that in their youth they saw their when they 're their early childhood they saw their parents were very special people the parents .
26 The fundamental question , as posed by Foucault , is how is it that in our society sex is seen not just as a means of biological reproduction nor a source of harmless pleasure , but , on the contrary , has come to be seen as the central part of our being , the privileged site in which the truth of ourselves is to be found ?
27 AD 50–130 ) , informs us that in his day wealthy members of the upper class had private water-clocks and special slaves to read them and announce the hours to their masters .
28 But London was a puzzle ; for Bede had told us that in his day it was ‘ a mart of many peoples ’ , a trading centre for merchants from overseas as well as for native traffickers .
29 He recommends the phrase ‘ care of the body ’ to be used in discussion with clients and continues to surprise us by telling us that in his experience of funeral-arranging he has never yet had anything but a positive response to , ‘ Would you like us to look after mother in our usual way , so that you will be assured of having an everlasting memory of her sleeping peacefully and at rest ? ’
30 We know that at a later date there were steps down to the river as Thorpe tells us that in his time there was a handsome flight of stone stairs remaining which extended from the Palace to the low water mark .
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