Example sentences of "[pers pn] that [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , she admits , ‘ There was a part of me that secretly felt evangelism was something you should n't do to your dog , let alone a friend ’ ( Pippert 1980:16 ) .
2 They were suspicious about my past , my age and a picture of me that simply did not add up .
3 This sound , tautening to the pitch of a screech , interrupted Davide 's growing up ; it had frightened children like him as they played in the streets , but sent a shiver through them that also excited them .
4 There was something about the way she was treating them that still seemed odd to Masklin .
5 That in itself is traumatic enough but — ’ she swallowed ‘ — it was losing you that really broke her heart .
6 The ‘ photograph ’ of the burial mound in his mind 's eye , still so sharp and detailed , had convinced him that therein lay something of importance .
7 The warm , wild joy came over him that never failed him when he met hand-to-hand on an even footing with his peers — his peers whatever rank God had given them — in courage and spirit and tenacity , without a grain of malice or hatred .
8 What was it about him that constantly stirred her into such a state of agitation ?
9 She bit her lip , watching his face for that familiar , fleeting shadow of pain , which mention of Ryan always brought to his features — and waiting , feeling suddenly tense , for the bitter attack on her that invariably followed it .
10 What was it about her that apparently attracted him ?
11 It was a burning , raking scrutiny , designed to make her aware of his pulsing desire to slake his sexual hunger with her that only needed her nod to unleash itself .
12 And then , before that , if you if you was to make the mealy puddings the it that always had to be cut into bits and emptied and washed well in cold water , and with salt and that , and that was They would done that for three days before they were then filled up to make the mealy puddings .
13 He that just went in ? ’
14 If the officers could tell us that why did n't they tell the controlling labour group , I 'm sure they did and then the question is why did n't you listen to them .
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